Child Safety-Online Gaming  

Cassie Miles
Cassie Miles

Dear Parents and Guardians,


As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education and technology, ensuring the safety and well-being of our students remains a top priority at Leighland Christian School. Today, we want to address a crucial aspect of this—online safety, particularly concerning gaming, which is increasingly prevalent in our children’s lives.


In the digital age, children are exposed to various online platforms and gaming environments from an early age. While these can provide educational benefits and entertainment, they also present risks if not navigated carefully. Games often feature interactive elements, social components, and sometimes even chat functionalities, which can inadvertently expose children to inappropriate content or interactions.


To support your child to make the best and safest decisions whilst online we encourage parents to:


1. Be actively involved in their children’s online activities. Understanding the games they play and the platforms they use allows for informed conversations about safety measures and responsible online behaviour.


2. Establish clear guidelines on screen time and appropriate content. Consider creating a family agreement that outlines expectations regarding online behaviour, gaming schedules, and the importance of balancing digital activities with other interests.


3. Emphasise the importance of protecting personal information online. Ensure children understand the risks of sharing private details and encourage them to use strong, unique passwords for gaming accounts.


4. Depending on your child’s age and maturity level, regular monitoring of their online interactions may be necessary. This could involve checking game ratings, reviewing chat histories, or using parental control tools to limit access to certain content.


At Leighland Christian School, we are committed to equipping both students and parents with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the online world safely. By working together—parents, educators, and the wider school community—we can create a supportive environment where our children can explore the digital world responsibly and safely. Open communication channels between home and school are vital in addressing any concerns or questions that may arise regarding online safety.


Thank you for your partnership in creating a secure and nurturing educational environment at Leighland Christian School. Together, we can ensure that our students thrive both in the classroom and in the digital realm.


God bless,

Cassie Miles

Co-Head of Primary and Child Safety Officer