Community Events Page 

Anne Treasure

Solstice Shout Out! 

Thank you so much to everyone who came along and made Friday’s winter solstice such a delightful evening! It was such a great time of people coming together to share an afternoon of festivities. We loved seeing kids and adults enjoying roasting damper and marshmallows, making beautiful lanterns, enjoying warm drinks and fires, appreciating terrific music by our students and joining in with Uncle Trevor. 


Particular thanks go to the organisers from CET Brigid Morgan, Lucy Knox, Jane Eckett, Joel Hallinan, Jenny McDonald, Linda Williams and Anne Treasure, to the fabulous school staff Denis Phelan, Ange Hopkins, Tom Dartnell, Jesse Hughes and the office staff, and to Bernadetta and her team at OSHC, plus Uncle Trevor for his stories. Thanks too for our amazing parent volunteer helpers on the day (with apologies if we miss someone): Esther, Miranda, Caitlin, Daniele, Tanya, Pete, Geua, Jack, Rachael, Liz, Amelia, Elizabeth, Dallas, Lucy, Sam, Alice, Kristy Lee, Kyle, Anna, Seamus, Sam, Mia, Diana, Imogen, Jac and Ben. The event couldn’t have happened without your willing and cheerful contributions, so thank you very much! 



We have a winner! 

Drumroll please… 


The Trivia Night theme for 2024 will be… “Icons of Music and Film”! 

Thanks to the students in unit LT for their impartial counting - the votes from both online and for real life both showed this as the clear winner. Look out for ticket sales coming online soon, and get your tables and costumes organised! 


CET dates ahead:

Saturday 10 August Trivia Night “Icons of Music and Film”: Our annual trivia night for the adults of the school community is a fun time of dressing up (if you want to), dancing (if you want to), and testing your trivial knowledge in a team of around 10. Put the date aside, gather your smart friends, get the babysitter organised and plan to come along and have some fun. 



If you want to get in touch about community events, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 


Please look out for the term 3 school calendar coming out soon!


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.