Faith and Mission

Our College, named after Pope John XXIII and grounded in the Ignatian tradition, is inspired by the vision of a Church that reads the signs of the times and responds with compassion and justice. Pope John XXIII, known for initiating the Second Vatican Council, emphasised the importance of dialogue, renewal, and engagement with the modern world. Similarly, the Ignatian tradition calls us to discernment and action in the service of faith and justice.


On Tuesday evening, we hosted a community event that explored how a Synodal Church could respond to the signs of the times. Fr Frank Brennan SJ was asked to consider two questions:

  1. Responding to modern challenges, how can the principles of synodality help the Church navigate and respond to current social, cultural, and political issues?
  2. Committed to inclusivity and participation, how can we involve all members of the Church, including those who are often marginalized, in decision-making processes?

Hosting the community event on the Synod on Synodality was a natural extension of our mission. The Synod, with its focus on communion, participation, and mission, aligns perfectly with the values we uphold. By fostering an inclusive and reflective dialogue, we aim to engage our community in meaningful discussions that promote understanding and social justice.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to Fr Frank Brennan SJ for his informative and thought-provoking presentation. His insights into how the principles of synodality can help the Church navigate and respond to current social, cultural, and political issues have been invaluable.


Fr Brennan's extensive experience, commitment to human rights, and ability to articulate complex issues have left us all with much to reflect upon and act upon. We are grateful for his time and the important work he continues to do.


Please find the link to the text and video of Fr Brennan’s presentation below.

Janeen Murphy

Deputy Principal Faith and Mission

Community Mass

Thursday is our day for Community Mass this week. The Eucharist will be prepared by students in Loyola House. All are welcome to Community Mass – it is a friendly and joyful celebration. Just come to the Chapel at 8:00am. 


Community Mass Details

  • Fridays in Term time
  • 8:00am start – 8:30am finish
  • College Chapel


  • Week 2: Mass is Thursday, 25 July (no Mass on Friday)
  • Week 3: Students will celebrate the John XXIII Day Mass, so there will be no community Mass.