Model UN Excursion

On 31st May, a group of students from Year 7, 8 and 9 attended the Model United Nations hosted at Brighton Grammar, representing Germany, China, Türkiye and Rwanda. Along with around 100 other students from schools around Melbourne  35 countries were represented, including India, Bhutan, Ukraine, Guyana, Switzerland, UK and USA. The topic of this Model UN was Pathways to Peace. 

It was a really great experience and we got to meet so many like-minded students, interested in politics. We started with each country saying their position statement and then moved on to a moderated caucus where a country could ask to talk and then speak to the whole group about their country's ideas. Then when a country decided they wanted an unmoderated caucus then they could raise their placard and if they got a chance to speak, then they could start a 5 or 10 minute unmoderated caucus. This meant that you could walk around the room and talk to other countries privately.


All the students who attended thought it was a really great experience, and we hope to rejoin next year.


Alfred Koval and Shresta Pulaparthi

Year 7