Year 10 Teenage Issues Workshops

On Wednesday 29th May, Year 10 Teenage Issues students delivered informative workshops to the Year 7 cohort. Year 10 students worked hard researching, planning and delivering workshops on a variety of topics learnt as part of their curriculum. Summaries of their experiences are below. 


Bullying – What does it sound, look, and feel like? 

Our workshop was on bullying, upstanding and walking away. The Year 7s worked together and made posters expressing what bullying feels, sounds and looks like. We had slides, an informative video, acted out a scenario and finished with a Kahoot to reflect on the workshop. The Year 7s were engaged throughout our workshop and we enjoyed presenting.


Luca, Ava and Noa


Artificial Intelligence – Tips on identifying A.I generated images

It was a very fun experience for us making the presentation. The reason why we picked AI was because as we all know AI has been in the spotlight in the past few years and we knew that many people didn't know about AI and more importantly the dangers of AI. We are very proud that most of the Year 7s enjoyed the presentation. 


Kobe, Sepehr and Nevinn



Influencers – Should we trust them?

Our workshop was on social media and how to spot fake or negative influencers.


During the workshop we informed the Year 7s about:

  • toxicity on the internet
  • how influencers make you see what they want you to see
  • how to spot if someone is being cyber bullied
  • how to spot fake followers/influencers 
  • statistics about internet use 
  • played a few games including true or false, guess the influencer and a booklet

The reception of this by the Year 7s was positive and they seemed intrigued. 


In summary it went quite well and I think they will remember the information provided enough to help them through their high school years. 


Bene, Kinjal, Maija and Anastasiia


Misinformation, disinformation, and rumour spreading. Who to turn to for help.

Our workshop was on misinformation, disinformation, rumours and how to deal with them. We presented this using a PowerPoint, games, and class discussions. We discussed the different definitions and explanations, we had class discussions to test for prior knowledge and played games to help keep the Year 7s engaged. The Year 7s were respectful and paid attention throughout. 


Sol, Dina and Shaul



Catfishing – how do I get help?

Our workshop was on catfishing and our lesson was shown through a visual video and slideshows to further educate the students about the dangers and effects of catfishing for their age group. The Year 7s enjoyed the humour of the video which helped convey a real life scenario of catfishing. They were engaged and good at answering questions about the video. We then ended the workshop with a booklet to really test them on the information in a fun and interactive way. 


Abbie, Abbie, Kiera and Jo



Social Media Addiction – Strategies to overcome addiction

Our workshop was on ‘social media addiction’ and how to combat it. The Year 7s were engaged and through questioning seemed to understand the concepts. The opportunity to run the workshops was very beneficial to us because we learnt how to deliver a presentation in front of a larger audience.


Rosa, Hayley and Hannah


A huge thank you to all staff who helped to supervise the workshops. Well done Year 10s for delivering outstanding workshops. 


Nicola Angus

Health & PE Teacher