Learning Across the ELC

The Preschool celebrated Reconciliation Week through their story telling Inquiry. Using the story 'Sorry Sorry' by Anne Kerr, they were able to support the children's understanding of Australia's history and reconciliation. It is a wonderful book, with appropriate emotive illustrations. The children all shared their thoughts and we recorded their voices.
We visited the Indigenous Garden on our Senior Campus and stopped to talk about the Indigenous Mural and the three flags standing side by side. The children also noticed the tress in Talbot Grove being dressed in the colours of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags. Loreto Principal Ms Kylie McCullah visited Preschool to read to the children, she told the story of 'The River' by Sally Morgan and Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr. We were also reading one of our favourite Aboriginal dreaming stories 'Warnayarra the Rainbow Snake' by Pamela Lofts. This book also supports our inquiry with its connections to generational storytelling and children being collaborative authors and illustrators.
The children were curious about our Reconciliation Week provocations, using Indigenous story dice to create stories from illustrations. They also embraced the sensory opportunity to explored Indigenous symbols in the sand tray on the light table. Many chose the mindfulness colouring in of indigenous illustrations, and we even listened to some 'ABC Listen - little Yarns.'
Ms Lauder and Ms Cocca
Preschool Teachers