Family Educator News

Thank you to our P&F president Adam and to all the wonderful parents who generously volunteered their time to help us set up for our Grandparent's Day Event. Thank you also to those who generously donated trays of delicious food for everyone to enjoy! May God bless you.
Class SPaR - Parents are welcome to join us in the classroom for a short classroom meditation session. Dates are above.
Winter Sleepout: We hope to see you at our Winter Sleepout on Wednesday 7th August!
Celebration of Music: John Burland will be visiting our school on Tuesday 10th of September for a special celebration of music inside St Anthony's Church! All parents are welcome to join their children for this fun event, which will be followed by morning tea at the school canteen - details in the flyer above!
Dad's, Uncles, Grandads and friends in our St Anthony's Community, we are hosting a fun gathering for you on Thursday 7th September at the Clovelly Hotel. We will have food & drinks, guest speakers, lucky door prizes and lots of fun. We really hope you can join us!
Links to purchase tickets will be available soon!
Please note: Our St Anthony's Father's Day School Celebration will happen on Friday September 11th.
We've had so much great feedback from our launch edition of our new community e-magazine!
If you have a story idea, a family recipe, community news or something you would like to share in our magazine, please email us!
If you haven't read it yet, you can click here to read.
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help! A start date will be provided by the Vinnie's team in the coming days and they will require as many helpers as possible with the goal to make just over 300 sandwiches for their night patrol. The hours will be 10am - 1.30pm and it will be one Tuesday bi-monthly. If you are interested in joining us, please email the office
Laura Neeson
Family Educator
"Love one another, contribute to the needs of others, live peaceably with all."Romans 12: 9-18