REC News

Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome back to Term 3, I hope you and your family have had a restful break and enjoyed quality time together.
Grandparent's Day Celebration
On Friday 26 July, the school community of St Anthony’s celebrated Grandparent’s Day on the Feast Day of St Anne and St Joachim. This is such a special feast day, they were the grandparents of Jesus, the parents of Mary. They are celebrated for having conceived and raised the immaculate and sinless woman who would one day give birth to Jesus.
Term 3
Week 3:
- Wednesday 7 August - RE Fundraising Mufti Day - $5 for Vinnies Winter Appeal and WINTER SLEEP OUT in the Possum Playground - 6-7.30pm. Bring cardboard to "sleep on".
- Thursday 8 August - Feast Day of Mary of the Cross MacKillop - Mass 9am Yrs 3-6
Week 4:
- Thursday 15 August - Feast of the Assumption - Mass 9am Yrs 2-6
Week 6:
- Friday 30 August - Father's Day Breakfast and Mass 9am
Winter Sleepout and RE Mufti Day Fundraiser - $5
Prayer / Praying
Taken from: (Your daily prayer)
‘Precisely because of his life experience, St. Ignatius of Loyola saw with great clarity that
every Christian is involved in a battle that defines his or her life. It is a struggle to overcome the temptation of closing in on ourselves, so that the love of the Father can make its home in us. When we make room for the Lord who rescues us from our self-sufficiency, we open up to all of creation and every creature. We become channels of the Father’s life and love. Only then do we realise what life truly is: a gift of the Father who loves us deeply and desires that we belong to him and to each other.’ Pope Francis
Excerpted from the foreword to First Belong to God by Austen Ivereigh
Mass Times for St Anthony's Church
Saturday Vigil: 5.00pm
Sunday: 9.00am
Monday: No Mass
Tuesday: 6.15pm Mass
Wednesday: 9.00am Mass
Thursday: 9.00am Mass (Rosary after Mass)
Friday: 9.00am Mass
Saturday: No morning Mass
Kind Regards
May God’s blessings be with you,
Mrs Leanna Langlands
Religious Education Coordinator