Counsellors Corner 


Bullying comes in many forms. It has far-reaching damaging impacts on a child's self-esteem, self-worth, resilience and academic success which can carry right through to their adult life. Bullying is a repeated and targeted behaviour and it also relates to how it makes a young person feel as a result of such behaviour. As a parent, it is important to understand what is happening before concluding that it is bullying. Online bullying can have a much greater impact and be far more difficult to deal with. Online bullies can engage in inappropriate behaviours 24/7 and invade a young person's home environment where they should feel safe.


Some of the questions addressed in School TV interviews by specialists include:

Why do people engage in bullying behaviour?

Can a child be the perpetrator as well as the subject of bullying behaviour?

What can parents do if bullying happens to their child?

Are there differences in the impact of online and offline bullying?

Are there any resources you would recommend for parents on bullying?

What are your top tips for parents?


For articles, resources and videos:


Mrs Leanne Miller

College Counsellor