Secondary Years, Tarneit

Being Courageous

Do a search on the internet and you'll find many acts of courage and bravery. We often think of courage as facing a physical challenge, standing up for acts of injustice, choosing to act in spite of fear, following the passions of our heart. While all are great examples of courage, I love this quote from Lord Chesterfield: "Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."


In a Christian school, we are challenged every day to see new oceans - new ways of seeing the world - through what we learn in the written curriculum, and in our way of being as a Christian community. The world in which we live is full of hatred, revenge, selfishness and all other manners of sin. It tells us to put ourselves ahead of others, to win at all costs, to stand up for our rights. But as a Christian community, followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to see new ways of being that are in direct contradiction to the way the world wants us to act. Christ calls us to act with love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. When we turn away from "old ways" (the shore) and follow Christ's way of being (new oceans) we open up a world free of condemnation, judgment and fear. To have a mindset like this, and to act in this way to others is truly courageous.


"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)


Ms Joanne Wegener

Head of Secondary

Year 10 and 11 Exams

Semester 1 exam period is due to begin next week.


Year 11 exams will start on Tuesday 11 June, and Year 10 exams in the following week on Monday 17 June.


A detailed exam timetable has been posted on Schoolbox, with information about when students are required at school. Please see the attachment below:


Any information regarding exams should be directed to the VCE Learning Leader - Mrs Geetha Nair


Some tips for parents in supporting students around exam time can be found on our SchoolTV channel: Managing exam stress | Good News Lutheran College (


We wish our students all the best throughout the exam period. 


Ms Joanne Wegener

Head of Secondary

Creativity Takes Courage

As Henri Matisse famously said, "Another word for creativity is courage." Yes, it takes bravery to express your passions and step beyond your comfort zone or irrational fears. Sharing your creativity with the world means opening yourself up to both appreciation and criticism. It demands overcoming fears, insecurities, anxieties, and life's challenges. Staying true to yourself and your beliefs in what you create also requires significant courage. Alianna Matnog, one of our Year 11 students, presented what she loves to create at a recent assembly. She is always ready to take on any art challenge she is presented with. Please see below to learn what Alianna has to share about her extra-curricular creative pursuits. If you enjoy playing ‘Persona 5’, you will recognise the depiction of the anime girl Futaba Sakura.


Ms Annabella Helmer


On 9 May, I presented some of the artworks I’ve made to an audience of fellow senior peers - a privilege thanks to Mrs Raj - allowing me to step out of my comfort zone and demonstrate my improving skills as an artist and a student in the GNLC community.  In doing so, I learnt the core value of courage, as I spoke about and presented my work with as much confidence as I could muster.  It was a nerve-wracking, yet thrilling experience, and, most importantly, I felt a sense of accomplishment in communicating my talents.  I encourage fellow students to do the same and show their talents.  It is an important aspect of having a diverse yet “joined together” community, to be able to proudly share one’s own personal, cultural, and religious interests without worry of judgement.  It is not about the compliments, although they are very nice, but rather the confidence you find in yourself and how that may influence your future.  Now, I feel less anxious about talking to others, less worried about sharing my art, and prouder of who I am and what I’d like to be associated with, 'Art'.


Alianna Matnog

Year 11 Class A 

Year 7 Boys Soccer

Year 7 Boys Soccer played three games, drawing twice with one loss. The team played against The Grange and Tarneit College, and proceeded to win against Truganina College for Third Place!

Morrisby Career Profiling - Year 9 Students

On Monday 27 May, all of the Year 9 students undertook their Morrisby Career Profiling. The Morrisby Career profiling tool is used by over 80% of Melbourne’s leading schools. Morrisby gives a detailed insight into a student’s inner strengths and abilities, preferences, motivations and personality type and provides careers and pathways suggestions best suited to their inner strengths and abilities. Morrisby helps make important decision such as which subjects to take, and what the next steps could be in their senior secondary education and beyond, based on their preferences.


The Morrisby Career profiling results were then unpacked and discussed with parents and families during an online presentation on Tuesday 28 May. Parents are reminded and encouraged to direct their questions for Morrisby to Mrs Naomi Nolan


Mrs Naomi Nolan

Pathways & VET Coordinator

Elevate Education - Free Parent Webinar Series

Since the start of the year, students in Years 10 -12 have been engaged in a series of study skills workshops which are aimed at motivating, supporting and encouraging students to develop effective study habits. The company that provides these workshops to our students also run a series of parent webinars each term. 


This term the following webinars are on offer:

Wednesday 8 May - How to get (and keep!) your child motivated!

Wednesday 22 May - Help your child prepare for exams

Wednesday 5 June - Help support your child during exams

Wednesday 19 June - Ask me anything

All seminars start at 6.30 pm. 

Parents can register for these webinars via the link below:

Wyndham Youth Civic Participation Project

I've often spoken about the importance of growing the whole student, which means engaging in learning outside of the traditional school environment. The Wyndham area often has many wonderful opportunities for the youth of this area to engage in community projects and civic learning. One such activity is the Wyndham Youth Civic Participation Project. 


If you are a Secondary school Legal Studies or Business Management student, you may be interested in this project. The project (aimed at 18-25 year olds) is for Wyndham’s aspiring lawyers, policymakers and community leaders who would like to see behind the curtain of Local, State and Federal politics and government. Participants will have to opportunity to speak with Councillors, senior public servants, and council staff members, about their responsibilities in government. Along with completing the program with like-minded young people, participants will visit Wyndham City Council, spend a day at Parliament House Victoria and travel to Canberra for a 4-day tour, visiting Parliament House, Museum of Australian Democracy, High Court of Australia, and the Australian War Museum. The program is delivered from July until September.


Applications are now open and will close 11 June 2024. Limited spots are available.

Subject & Pathways Expo

A must-attend event for current Secondary Year students (Year 7-12)

  • 6pm-8pm, Thursday 20 June 2024
  • Secondary Years Building

Subject & Pathways Expo is an opportunity for all Secondary Year students to gain more information on career pathways and subject selection. This is a great chance to speak with exhibitors from a range of future pathways organisations and gather subject information from Good News Lutheran College staff.


Please see the attachment for more information:

Open Dance Taster Class

We are delighted to announce an exciting opportunity for our Year 7 and Year 8 students to explore the world of dance! On Friday 21 June from 3.30pm-5pm, we will be holding an Open Taster Dance Class designed to give students a glimpse into what they can expect if they choose Dance as an elective subject next year.


Scheduled right after our Subject and Pathways Expo, this taster class aims to help students make well-informed decisions about their elective choices. Dance as a study area offers a multitude of benefits, including the development of technique, choreography, and performance skills. Moreover, participating in dance classes is a fantastic way for students to enhance their overall fitness and well-being.


Throughout the course, students will not only improve their physical abilities but also build confidence, creativity, and teamwork skills—attributes that are invaluable across all aspects of their education.


We encourage all interested students to take advantage of this opportunity to experience the dynamic and rewarding world of dance. We look forward to seeing many enthusiastic faces at the taster class and supporting our students in their educational and personal growth.


To register that you'll attend, respond to the Signmee sent out in Week 6, and for more information, please contact Mrs Yengi.


Courtney Yengi

Performing Arts Coordinator

Year 9 You Yangs Excursion

Year 9 students visited the You Yangs as part of their Rite Journey challenge. They enjoyed abseiling, mountain terrain biking and hiking. They challenged both their mental and physical strength. Overall, it was a very successful day!