Around the School

Cemetery Walk
NPS Students do the “Cemetery Walk “
Year 3 to 6 students at Numurkah Primary immersed themselves in our local history recently by joining in a guided walk of the Numurkah Cemetery. Students toured the cemetery with Bernadette Steward, Secretary of the Numurkah and Wunghnu Cemetery Trust, who shared her extensive knowledge about history of the graveyard and our town’s past residents. For almost one hour, students were regaled with stories of life in Numurkah during the early days of the township.
Year 6 student, Indy, said “It was interesting and fun to talk about history. The very first grave we learned about (and the very first burial in the Numurkah Cemetery) was a little baby boy who died in 1803, just a couple of days after birth. His little twin sister also died a few days after her brother. No one knows where the baby girl was buried though”.
Students at Numurkah PS are learning lots about our town’s history in the lead up to the 150th Anniversary of Numurkah and Wunghnu being gazetted as townships.
Sports Report
On Friday 14 June, the Numurkah PS Year 6 netball team competed against Strathmerton PS in a home game.
In the first quarter with Myllah as Goal Attack and Larna as Goal Shooter, we scored one point to Strathy’s got three; we knew we had a challenge on our hands! Sieanna’s bounce passes and Indy’s intercepts moved the ball swiftly down to our goal ring.
Myllah and Stevie were our shooters for the second quarter. Our passes remained strong and everyone tried our best to keep up with Strathy. Harper’s amazing goal defence ensured the ball didn’t go anywhere near Strathy’s goal ring. Stevie scored one goal.
We were a little slack in the third quarter were abit slack with our passes but Eloise was excellent in Wing Attack as was Larna in defence.
Larna moved to Goal Shooter in the fourth quarter and Myllah was back as our Goal Attack; we managed to get the ball to the ring but didn’t score any goals.
Our highlights included our legendary bounce passes, some big lobs were excellent to get to our goal without going over a third, and our spreading out on the court greatly improved.
The score was 11 to 5 their way.
Written by Sieanna and Larna, Year 6 Students
Netball Report: Year 5 Game - Numurkah vs. Strathy
I'd like to share with you the highlights from last Thursday's Year 5 Netball game between Numurkah and Strathy, held on June 6th.
In what was a spirited match, both teams showed great sportsmanship and determination. Here are some standout performances from our players:
- Harmony, playing as Goal Attack, made some impressive intercepts, showcasing her skills and agility on the court.
- Sophia, our Goal Shooter, displayed outstanding effort throughout the game, consistently attempting to score and supporting her team.
- Annie, in the role of Goalkeeper, was a formidable force, effectively defending our goal and thwarting Strathy's attempts to score.
- Tiana and Ella, alternating as Centre in the first and third quarters, demonstrated excellent teamwork and passing skills, ensuring smooth transitions and opportunities for their teammates.
- Brooke, as Goal Defence, stood out with her remarkable intercepts and defensive plays, contributing significantly to our team's strategy.
- Millie, playing as Wing Defence, exhibited strong defensive capabilities, bolstering our team's overall defence and cohesion.
Despite our best efforts and the impressive performances from each player, the final score favoured Strathy with a score of 9-0. While the outcome wasn't what we hoped for, we are incredibly proud of our students' efforts and sportsmanship throughout the game.
Thank you to all the parents who came out to support our team, and a special thank you to the players for their hard work and dedication on the court. Let's continue to encourage our students as they grow both as athletes and individuals.
Prep/1 Maths fun!