What's Happening? 

Dates for 2024

Term 2

20th June                                         Out of uniform - Pyjama Day

21st June                                          Responsible Pet Ownership Program

28th June                                         Last Day Term 2 - School finishes at 2:20pm


Year 5/6 Winter Sports Draw


Term 3

15th July                                          Students return to school                                        

25th July                                          Student Free Day (Staff PD)

26th July                                          Lightning Premiership Cup

6th August                                      School Council

30th August                                    Fathers Day Brekkie & Stall

3rd September                               School Council

6th September                               Athletics Day

20th September                             Last Day Term 3


Term 4

14th - 18th October                      Yr 5-6 Canberra Camp

22nd October                                 School Council

23rd October                                  Numurkah Show Day - Student Free Day

4th November                                Student Free Day

5th November                                Melbourne Cup Day

10th December                              School Council

19th December                              Last Day for Students Term 4