From the Principal's desk

It is hard to believe that we have now started our second last week of this term. Teachers have been busy looking at assessment results and student goals to write semester reports for their students and families. Reports will be open for families to view on the last day of term, Friday the 28th of June.
Senior Winter Sports
The sports reports have continued to demonstrate our students enjoyment of the Winter Sports program during this term. Our final game was scheduled for this Friday has been rescheduled for the first Friday of Term 3. Our senior students will participate in the 'Lightning Premiership' on Friday the 26th July, 2024 in Yarrawonga.
Winter Raffle
We are still looking for donations for our winter raffle. If your family doesn't have a booklet of tickets or needs another booklet, please come into the office. The raffle will be drawn on the last day of term during the morning assembly.
Victorian State School's Spectacular
The Victorian State School's Spectacular is a fabulous opportunity for our students to be part of. I started rehearsing the songs with our students last week and will continue working through the songs with them. I am hoping that ticket sales open up soon. Tickets to the show are sold through Ticketek. Our first Melbourne rehearsal will be on Wednesday the 24th of July. Students will travel on VLine buses and trains to the Melbourne Town Hall to rehearse with the other students in the Mass Choir.
2025 Prep Enrolments
I have really enjoyed taking families through our school on tours for their children in 2025.
Current families with a child at Numurkah PS who will commence Prep in 2025 are encouraged to pick up an enrolment pack from the office.
If you know of anyone looking to enrol at Numurkah PS for 2025 or still undecided, please encourage them to give the office a call or come in for a chat and a tour of the school.
Canberra Camp
Thank you to all Year 5 and 6 Families who returned an expression of interest and deposit for the Canberra Camp in Term 4. Families can make additional payments towards the camp throughout term 3, if they wish. 'Centrepay' can also be organised to help with progressive payments towards camp, please come into the office if you need any support in setting this up.