Principal's Report 

 Dear Parents, 


Welcome to term three. Hopefully the two-week holiday period gave your children a chance to re-charge ready for another exciting term at school, and hopefully the two weeks wasn't too exhausting for you. Term three brings with it some staffing changes, some short-term and others longer term. 

Linda Varol
Jaida Bonnici
Linda Varol
Jaida Bonnici

Last term we said goodbye to Linda Varol from grade three. In her place is Jaida Bonnici who was our phys ed teacher in semester one. We are still in the process of filling our phys ed role. On a shorter-term basis, Stephanie Sousa is currently on leave, and in her place for the next few weeks we welcome Shannon Berrabah who will no doubt do a wonderful job. Also currently on leave is Meghann Wurm who undertakes roles outside of the classroom, so no need for classroom changes.  

The middle of the year is also where we see Performing Arts change over to Italian and where Food Technology changes to Visual Art. Please remember to pack those ever important art smocks! As we transition to Visual Art this term, it is a timely reminder that our Art Show will occur in October of this year as the major Arts showcase. Sally Wilson has been planning this for many months and more information will be sure to come later in the term. 

This week is parent-teacher interview week, so hopefully you have all had a chance to book a time through XUNO. Specialist teachers do not require a booking. They will be available in The Hive over the three nights so please be sure to stop by before or after your child's classroom teacher interview for a catch up. 


As you may have heard in the news, COVID Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and the flu are taking hold across the country. We will be reinforcing the washing of hands regularly in the classrooms before eating food and after visiting the toilets in addition to hand sanitising.

And whilst we strongly encourage high attendance of students, please do not send students to school if they have the symptoms of any of those nasty illnesses, as that just exacerbates the issue for both students and staff.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 


Finally, next week we will have an extraordinary newsletter coinciding with the release of the Parent Opinion Survey.  Please take the time to read through the newsletter, and if possible, please complete the survey as well so we know your thoughts about our wonderful school. 

Kind Regards, 


Simon McGlade
