Year 9 & 10

 Mr Conrad Sloan

Farewell - for now

Well done to our students who have completed Semester One. While our Year 9 students have shown commendable growth, improved maturity and resilience this semester, the Year 10s have shown dedication, particularly during their first exam period. Thank you parents and guardians, for supporting them during this time.


This week Year 10 students also embarked on work experience, giving them an insight into life after school. We hope this gives our students an idea of what they want to pursue once they finish school. Year 9 students competed in the NWAS winter carnivals against other schools in soccer, netball, touch rugby and badminton. Students displayed great teamwork and deserve congratulations for their efforts.


In Term 3 our Year 10 students have their much anticipated camp at Forest Edge Recreation Camp (Week 5). Students will receive information about the camp at the beginning of next term. 


Finally, as families were made aware earlier in the week, I have made the decision to step down as Head of Year 9 and 10 and will return to full-time teaching at St George’s. I have very much enjoyed my time in the position and changing direction has been a tough decision. I would like to congratulate Mr Brad Cotterell, who will be stepping into the position officially at the beginning of next term. 


I know the students will be in very safe hands.

Have a safe and relaxing three-week break.


Mr Conrad Sloan

Head of Year 9 and 10