Year 7 & 8

 Ms Taryn Sephton

What went well in your report?

With Semester One reports released this week it is easy for students to just focus on their grade achievement for each subject area and then compare grades with their friends. 


Instead, our Year 7 and 8 students are encouraged to also review the learning effectives for each subject area. This data provides an indication of their overall effort, completion of homework, ability to operate independently, willingness to become involved in discussion and their behaviour in class. Strong achievement in these areas is equally as important as their grade-based achievement and will support further academic growth in the years to come. 


Once reports have been reviewed it would be beneficial for students to take time to reflect on their progress during Semester One. Starting questions might be: What went well? What didn’t go so well? What will they do differently? What will they keep doing next term? What do they want to achieve academically by the end of the year? 


Over the three-week mid-year holiday break it is important  for all students to make time to “switch off”, so that they can recharge and return to school ready to tackle the second half of the year. Prioritising rest and quiet time, spending time outdoors, setting a timer for screens, revisiting old hobbies, building Lego creations, or reading a novel are just a few ideas to assist with “switching off”.


I thank all families for their ongoing support, and I look forward to seeing everyone return to school on Tuesday, 16 July.


Ms Taryn Sephton

Head of Year 7 & 8