Counsellor's Corner

Mrs Ebony Kriedemann

 Self-care over the holidays

Hi everyone!

You’ve made it to the end of term! Now is the perfect time to reflect on the importance of self-care. During the school year, you’ve been juggling assignments, exams, co-curricular activities, and social commitments. It's a lot!


 That’s why it's super important to use this break not just for fun, but also to recharge your batteries. Here’s how you can make the most of your holiday for your well-being:

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is often the first thing that gets sacrificed during busy school terms. Take advantage of the holidays to establish a healthy sleep routine. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Your body and mind will thank you!


2. Stay Active

While it's tempting to lounge around all day, staying active is essential for your physical and mental health. Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s going for a quick walk around the block or heading to the beach for a stroll and a swim. That little bit of exercise helps boost your mood and energy levels.

3. Digital Detox

We all love a quick scroll, but too much screen time can be draining. Set aside some time each day to unplug. Read a book, try a new hobby, or spend time outdoors. Reducing screen time will absolutely help reduce stress and improve your sleep.


4. Connect with Loved Ones

Use this time to strengthen your relationships with people who are important to you. Plan fun activities together, have meaningful conversations, or simply enjoy each other's company. Strong social connections are super important for your emotional health.


5. Get into those hobbies!

The holidays are a great opportunity to dive into your passions. Whether it’s drawing, writing, playing music, or any other hobby, doing what you love can be incredibly fulfilling and rejuvenating.


6. Mindfulness and Relaxation

Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga into your routine. I would highly suggest a few of the below apps that can help introduce some mindful moments into your life:

  1. Smiling Mind
  2. Mello
  3. MindShift
  4. Insight Timer

7. Set Goals and Plan Ahead

While it’s super important to relax, it’s also a good idea to think about your goals for the next school term. Reflect on what you’ve achieved and what you’d like to improve. Setting some personal goals can give you a sense of purpose and direction.

A gentle reminder:

Remember, self-care isn’t selfish. Taking care of yourself allows you to be the best version of you, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities that come your way. Enjoy your holidays, recharge, and come back ready to roll!

As always, please reach out if you do need someone to talk to. And remember to recharge those batteries over this well deserved break.

See you soon!


Mrs Ebony Kriedemann

School Counsellor