Chaplain's Corner

Fr Gift Makwasha

My favourite Term 2 moment

(pictured above) 

It is unbelievable that we are already halfway through the year. This term we enjoyed several events - but the most memorable for me was the Interhouse Cross Country. I observed some students running solo, others running in groups and some deciding to walk with friends. The important thing was that everyone was bent on reaching the finishing line and completing the course. 


I did not see anyone stop, sit and quit! Everyone was fully committed on that day. Several students got awards - the likes of Lily Robertson, Sasha Warren, Amelie McKeon, Jordan Karagania, Lia Watters, Luke Bizzaca, and Cooper Grant to name but a few. But the most beautiful picture of the day for me was when young Annabel Moggach, instead of just thinking of herself running to the finishing line and winning a medal, looked behind her and saw her friend who was struggling to complete the race. Annabel turned back and ran to help her struggling friend and together they completed the course together. That kind act to me reflected the true spirit of St George’s Anglican Grammar School - that we strive together, we struggle together, and we succeed together! We encourage one another until we all cross the finishing line together. At times we all need the love and support of a friend to help us achieve. (The hug above: That's Annabel!) 


To all students, I say congratulations on achieving your desired goals for Term Two. I encourage those who did not get the grades you hoped for to be inspired by the wise words of Nelson Mandela who said: “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” 


Rest and Relax during the holiday. Shake off the dust, arise and come back even more determined to conquer together the demands of Semester Two.

Baptism and Confirmation classes

Next term I will be offering combined baptism and confirmation classes for those who are interested. 

Classes will be offered once a week on a Wednesday from 3.30 to 4.30pm for 10 weeks. 

The classes will overlap into Term 4 when Archbishop Kaye Goldsworthy will preside at the combined Baptism and Confirmation Service for the school on Sunday, 24 November at St George’s Anglican Cathedral during the 10am service. 

If you would like to enrol your child/children, please fill the application form and email it to me at


You are also warmly welcome to contact me by phone (9312 0800) if you have any questions or queries about the process.



Fr Gift Makwasha 

School Chaplain