Let's Talk Careers

Mrs Sharan Tagore

Pivotal moments for Year 10s

It has been a very busy period for Year 10 students who this week embarked on work experience after sitting their first set of exams. Now, as they prepare for their next term, they will have to make some important decisions about their subject selection for Year 11. This is a big step, as it will shape their Senior School experience and future opportunities.


Take time to talk

One of the best ways to help your child make informed choices is to have open and honest conversations with them. Over the holiday break, take some time to find out what they have learned this term, what they have enjoyed and what they have found challenging. Ask them to share their thoughts and feelings about their exams and work experience, and how they have developed their hard and soft skills. For example, you could ask:

•             What subjects did you find most interesting and why?
•             What subjects did you find most difficult and why?
•             What skills did you learn or improve in your exams and work experience?
•             How did you cope with stress, time management, and feedback?
•             What did you learn about yourself as a learner and a person?


Explore the options

Another way to help your child make informed choices is to explore the options available to them. In Term 3, they will have to choose their subjects for Year 11, which will determine their eligibility for different courses and pathways after school. You can help your child research the pros and cons of each subject, and how they relate to their interests, strengths, and goals. For example, you could help them:


•             Look at the subject outlines and assessment criteria for each subject in the Subject Selection Package

•             Compare the subjects they are currently studying with the subjects they might choose

•             Visit websites and resources that provide information and guidance on subject selection. You can find some fantastic resources in Career Compass!

•             Consider the benefits of a balanced and flexible curriculum


Focus on enjoyment

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing subjects for Year 11 is enjoyment. Your child will be more likely to thrive in the subjects they enjoy, as they will be more motivated, engaged, and confident. Focusing on a specific career or pathway at this stage is not as important as finding subjects that suit your child's personality, learning style, and interests. You can help your child focus on enjoyment by asking them to:

•             Think about what they are passionate about and what makes them happy

•             Reflect on their achievements and successes in the subjects they enjoy

•             Identify their preferred learning style and how it matches the subjects they might choose

•             Imagine their ideal Senior School experience and how it aligns with their subject selection


Remember, while choosing subjects for Senior School and feel overwhelming at times, the Subject Selection Team and your child’s Pathways teacher are here to guide them through the process, and they can always change their mind or explore other options later. In today’s educational landscape, no door is ever closed. 


As I wrote about in my last Dragon article, there are so many different ways to achieve your career goals. I wish you a restful and happy break with your families, but don’t forget to have those all-important career conversations!

Mrs Sharan Tagore

APEx, Careers and Curriculum Coordinator