Sensational Science

Mr Michael Heath 

Big Science Competition School Record!

Earlier this term students from Years 7 -10 sat a 50-minute, multiple choice Big Science Competition to assess scientific knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. The questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable and interesting and all are aligned with the Science Australian Curriculum.  No less than 37,000 students from across Australia and the world competed - and St George’s did brilliantly in attaining the following awards. (The number of St George's students receiving either a credit, distinction or high distinction surpassed all previous numbers, and we now have a new school record! HD: High Distinction = Top 5%; D: Distinction = next 10%; C: Credit = Next 15%)

Year 7 
CreditFieke Potter, Harshika Santhakumar, Ugo Vittino, Elliott Bradley, Amelia Harrington
DistinctionLily Robertson, Ezra Davis, Matthew Hardie
High DistinctionCharlie Hewitt
Year 8 
CreditLiam Thompson, Katherine Bisley, Leo Busch, Michael McKinsty, Alex McSkimming, Alec Farrell, Molly Green, Natalie Hill, Jiazhen Li, Kaleb Oh
Distinction Logan Swartz
High Distinction    Jacob White
Year 9 
CreditRuth Duuring, Izabella Kudituwakku, Declan Lane, Rafe Milner, Spencer Reid, Owen Smith, Emelyn Tham, Emma Waugh
Distinction Adam Lowe
High Distinction Finn Craig-Harding, Lucas Holbeach
Year 10 
CreditZeming Geo, Sulaiman Barzangi, Gabe Bott, Andrew Della Franca, Jade Fletcher, Sophie Gardner, Abigail Jones, Angus Lee, Aidan Millgan, Dylan Momberg, Sebastian Munday
Distinction Abby Brewer, Federico Dos Santos, Adam Lazarevski, Cooper Grant

Dig them bones

The Year 11s’ foray into ATAR Human Biology involved dissecting calf leg bones this week and identifying the many components that make up bone as a tissue.

Exploring ‘spongy v compact’ bone, they scooped out marrow to see where the articular cartilage (hyaline) begins (which is at the head of the bone where our joints are) and felt how smooth it is.

Unique Science Week

Looking ahead, get set for a unique Science Week in Week 5 of Term Three – with PCG activities, a marionette puppet competition and even a karaoke competition of Michael Jackson’s The Earth Song. Here’s a glimpse into Science Week in the making!

Mr Michael Heath

Head of Science