Thrive & Flourish

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back to Term Three. We hope everyone had a great holiday break – an opportunity to have less routine or even spend a couple of days away as a family.
For those currently unwell, we hope for a speedy recovery for you.
For those families who’ve experienced a recent bereavement, please know you are in the prayers and thoughts of all in our community. For those who’ve welcomed a new addition to the family, we extend our warmest congratulations on this happy occasion.
SAS Program Information:
SAS (Secret Agent Society) is a program coordinated and run by Deb Turvey at Sacred Heart. Below is some information about the program. If you would like further information, please email Deb at school.
PBIS – Sacred Heart.
PBIS – Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports - is a framework for creating safe and affirming learning environments in schools, while improving the social-emotional outcomes for students. It is a proactive approach that relies on research-based practices, including developing clear behavioural expectations, teaching these expectations and acknowledging appropriate behaviour.
PBIS is a proactive, whole school, team-based framework with an emphasis placed on development of pro-social skills.
This approach has been in place at Sacred Heart for a number of years. Recently, as a whole school, we have focussed on developing our ‘school-wide blitzes’. You may have heard the children talk about receiving a raffle ticket at school. This means a teacher has observed a child demonstrating one of our school values or an action linked to the current blitz, for example, putting sports equipment away without being asked.
At the end of each week, we total the number of tickets collected across the school and add then to a school-based accumulative total. When the total reaches a certain amount, a whole school reward takes place. Last term, our goal was to achieve 1000 tickets as a whole school. In the last week we achieved this and as a reward, the children enjoyed an extended play break for fifteen minutes on the last day.
At assembly, we also draw out two raffle tickets as an incentive for PBIS. The lucky winners receive a $5.00 voucher to put towards a lunch order.
Well done to the children on their enthusiasm for collecting raffle tickets and helping to build a positive and affirming community here at Sacred Heart.
Parents/guardians are responsible for making sure that all children attend school every day unless they are too unwell, in which case the school must be advised. If families are going to be away for an extended period, (eg: family holiday), we ask that prior notice is given to the school, so that if parents wish, a learning program can be put in place for their children.
If parents would like support with this, please feel free to contact a member of the Wellbeing Team. We thank you for your support with this.
Wellbeing Support
Wellbeing support can be accessed in the following ways:
- Any staff member can arrange for a referral to Student Wellbeing if they have concerns about a student’s wellbeing.
- Parents can also request support for their child/ren by contacting a member of the wellbeing team at school.
Tony McDonald:
Felicity Bryant:
Deb Turvey:
- At times, a student may be referred to an external support service. We also respect the fact that some students and parents may prefer to seek professional support independent from the school setting. In such cases, Sacred Heart values working collaboratively with external support services. We encourage parents/carers to communicate with the school if there is a significant issue affecting their child’s wellbeing.
If ever you need help sorting out personal or family issues, give CatholicCare Victoria a call. They offer many services to all members of our community – ALL FREE.
Have a great fortnight everyone.
Tony, Deb and Felicity.