Spiritual Connections

Loving God,

We lift our hearts to You.

Behold, you make echoes in our hearts:

“I make all things new!”

Renew our lives, cleans our spirits, and guide us with Your love.

In Your loving transformation, may we find strength, hope, and everlasting joy.



Grandparents Mass - 26th July

We would like to invite Grandparents, special friends and parents to our Grandparents Mass on Friday 26th July, 2024, at 9:15am in our parish church.

This will be followed by open classrooms for grandparents to visit. A morning tea will be served for adults only commencing at 11:00am in the Mercy Centre.


School-Led Liturgy:

There are many jobs to be covered during Mass when we are rostered on, such as readings or bringing up the gifts at offertory time. If families would like to help with these, could you please email me at school and I will arrange for this. Our involvement in weekend liturgies is a great way of connecting with our parish community.

Email: tmcdonald@shtatura.catholic.edu.au     

Next School-led Liturgy –

Sunday 11th August, 10:30am

Term 3 Events/Dates:


Friday 26th JulyGrandparents Mass - Whole School Mass 9:15am
Sunday 28th JulyWorld Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
Friday 2nd August3/4 Unit attend Parish Mass
Thursday 8th AugustSt Mary of the Cross Feast Day (MacKillop)
Friday 9th August

1/2 Unit attend Parish Mass

International Day of the World's Indigenous People

Sunday 11th AugustSchool led liturgy - Parish Mass 10:30am
Thursday 15th August

Feast of the Assumption

Pupil Free Day

Friday 16th AugustPupil Free Day
Sunday 25th AugustSocial Justice Sunday
Friday 30th AugustNo Mass - Father's Day Breakfast
Sunday 1st SeptemberFather's Day
Friday 6th September5/6 Unit attend Mass
Friday 13th September3/4 Unit attend Mass
Friday 20th September1/2 Unit attend Mass
Sunday 22nd SeptemberInternational Day of Peace

More information about specific events will be communicated closer to the dates.


Kind regards,

Tony McDonald.