Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

Exhibition this weekend - Relic of Blessed Carlos Acutis & Eucharistic Miracle Exhibition

Please find attached information regarding a first-class relic of Blessed Carlos Acutis and a Eucharistic Miracle Exhibition which will be hosted in De La Salle's Hall. All members of the community are welcome to view this Exhibition on Saturday and Sunday (June 22nd and 23rd).


The Confirmation Candidates have participated in two preparation sessions. They discussed their chosen Confirmation names and the importance of Confirmation. They have been learning about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how these gifts can help them in their lives.


The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Sunday 30th June at 12pm and 2.30pm. The final preparation session will be on the 26th or 27th June.


The Yr 6 students will also be participating in a Confirmation Reflection day on Friday 28th June during school hours.  All Yr 6 students will be participating in this reflection day.


Please keep the students who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in your prayers.

Grade Masses

This term's final grade Mass will be on Friday 28th June at 9.15 Friday. You are most welcome to attend and join in celebrating the Eucharist with the grade that is attending.

Year 3 will be attending Mass on Friday 28th June.

St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal 

An enormous THANK YOU to those who have contributed to the Vinnies Winter Appeal! Your donations will be assisting many of those in our community who are struggling.


If you would still like to donate to St. Vinnies De Paul please view the donation link below:

Donation Link:

Grandparent’s Day Mass - Term 3

Save the Date

Please keep the 9th of August free for a Grandparent’s Day Mass. More details to follow.






Mrs Monica Da Silva | Acting Religious Education Coordinator