Learning and Teaching

 - Mrs Anna Robertson 

Senior School Semester One Reports


2024 has seen the College move to the first full year of Continuous Reporting, after the introduction of this model in 2023. In our Continuous Reporting Model, teachers provide students with regular and ongoing feedback via our Learning Management System SIMON, rather than relying solely on traditional term-based reports. This enables us to identify areas for improvement more quickly and help students take immediate action to enhance their learning. Continuous reporting offers students specific feedback on work completed and an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. I hope that you have been able to access the Parent Access Module (PAM) to read the regular updates on your child's progress. PAM provides detailed and real-time feedback on your child's academic progress, ensuring that you have the most up-to-date information.


Next Tuesday 18 June the Semester One Reports for our Senior School students will be released to students and families. This report provides an overview of your child's academic journey so far this year. Mentors have provided a comment to offer general learning advice and celebrate student progress and achievement. In addition, students have completed a Student Reflection Comment, considering their growth, challenges and accomplishments throughout the reporting period.


To assist you in tracking your child's academic performance, the report includes:

  • a list of assessment tasks for each subject
  • learning behaviour indicators, offering insights into your child's approach to communication, collaboration, engagement and learning
  • attendance percentages

For a more in-depth exploration of course descriptions and specific feedback on learning tasks and outcomes, we encourage you to refer to the Continuous reporting information available on PAM. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to make contact. We look forward to working together to enhance student learning and progress.

REMINDER: Curriculum Information Night and Subject Information Expo for 2025

Next week, Tuesday, 18 June, current Year 7-11 students, parents and guardians are invited to attend the Curriculum Information Night and Subject Information Expo for 2025. There will be two presentations directed at different year levels that will address the diverse needs of our learners. 

  • 7pm:  Explore presentation for current Year 7 & 8 students and families will focus on introducing the process of subject selection, the breadth of electives available and the Middle Years programs provided to support and engage this age group. 
  • 7.45pm: Emerge presentation for current Year 9, 10 & 11 students and families will focus on the subject selection process, planning for VCE subjects and consideration of future career goals. We will hear from Senior students as they reflect on how they made decisions about what to study in VCE. 
  • Both presentations will take place in the Simons Auditorium

In addition to these presentations, and a key part of the evening, is the Subject Information Expo, held in myPEC. Students and families will have the opportunity to speak with teaching staff about the subjects on offer, ask questions and consider their choices for subject offerings for 2025. The right subject selection is important because it enriches your understanding of the world but also equips you with a versatile skill set, making you adaptable to the different challenges that lie ahead. Each subject provides an opportunity for personal and intellectual development. It is a chance to have new experiences, embrace challenges, and approach learning with a positive mindset. 


Following the evening, the Subject Selection Online Portal will be opened for students in Years 9 – 11 to begin making their selections. Students in Years 7 and 8 will make their selections early in Term 3. Further information about the timelines for this process will be provided in Week 10. I look forward to seeing you on the night.