From the Wellness Centre

And here we are in Term Three … already. Hopefully, we’re rested, rejuvenated and ready for the delights and unexpected curve balls this term will throw our way. 


Head of Mokare House, Mr McLean, informs me that if Term Three were likened to the third quarter of an AFL match, he would advise that it is time to “refocus our game plan”. What does this mean you might ask? Firstly, we need to do a quick review of the first half, recognising what worked, and what changes we need to make. Secondly, take a deep breath and decide that we are going to pivot, flex and succeed, and in this journey, we will need other people’s help to deal with challenges and demands of what’s to come. Also, as part of a team we need to remember to be respectful of self, others and our environment. And very sagely, he advises that there might be events which we were not expecting, which will take our energy and commitment, so we must stay across those more predictable, doable tasks in order to manage surprises.

And … continuing our footie trope, may the Dockers reign supreme. 

A wise and timely reminder from Linda Stade 

Click: Lourdes Hill College | Inspiring Girls Blog 


“Teens are designed to always be testing boundaries. They are made to explore and play... with every sense and in every new situation.

In all this exploration, teenagers will make mistakes. They will bang up against authority, they will experiment, behave impulsively, and they will make poor choices. Our job is to:

  • remain highly connected
  • provide a safe place to land when things go wrong (which they will)
  • help them clean up the mess, and
  • guide them towards better choices

Advice For Teenagers: 5 Gentle Messages For Our Teens ( provides excellent and practical encouragements for our teens/and parents/carers.

Grief Project

The work in this space is quietly and tentatively taking place. Ms Elinor Couper and Mary Witham have created a designated space in the Library for some books and resources: you’ll find these new offerings in the Grief Information area. As we experience grief and perhaps want to learn how to support our friends and loved ones who are grieving, I would warmly recommend the gentle and profound power of picture books. 


Those of us who love picture books know that they are not just for children. Artistic expression can speak to all of us in myriad ways. In fact, when our brains are managing major change such as the death of a loved one, and negotiating how we might function around such change, we can struggle with words and language. A wise man has recently shared with me that there is a deficiency of language during these times. However, picture books offer narratives of images, colour, symbol, juxtaposition which can really resonate with our hearts and minds. 


The book I am currently re-reading, and which will be in the library is The Grieving Brain by Mary-Frances O’Connor. Loss of a loved one is something many of us experience, but we have had little scientific perspective on this universal experience. Renowned grief expert, neuroscientist, and psychologist and APS Fellow Mary-Frances O’Connor shares groundbreaking discoveries about what happens in our brain when we grieve. Our brains actually change as we stumble and try to live with the loss.  

Trauma Responsive Practice

This 11-module course is being offered across four Wednesday afternoons from 3.30pm to 5.15pm commencing Week Three for any parents/carers who are curious about how trauma can affect learning, emotional and social development, and relationships. You might wish to work in a self-directed way and pop in sometimes to join the group, or you might want to experience adult learning in a group situation for the four weeks. Both methods are available to you. Afternoon tea will be provided.


Trauma Responsive Practice in Education - Online Training - Australian Childhood Foundation Professionals

Home - Australian Childhood Foundation is an amazing place to visit and offers up to date information and many resources for families. I highly recommend this group.


Please see the link above for further information and let me know via email by Friday 26 August of your interest. You will then be asked to pay $33.00 via your school account. 


Take care and remember to notice the glimmers and awesome moments

Ms Sheryl Moncur | School Counsellor/Teacher