Early Learning Centre (ELC)


On this page: Numeracy Users in Action

Numeracy users in action: Preschool students explore numbers and 'googolplexes'

This term we have been expanding our knowledge about numbers. Our intentional teaching focus has included learning about the five Principles of Counting along with different counting strategies. 


The children have enjoyed many opportunities to explore various concepts of numbers. 

These have included numerals, numeral formation, sorting and counting collections to explore quantity, and ordering/counting objects. Children have been active participants in their learning through the use of sensory materials in their indoor and outdoor learning spaces.


As a class, we played games to expand our knowledge of numbers, numerals and counting strategies. Collaborating together, children helped solve problems where we had to order numbers and sequence in different ways.  Activities have included:

  • Practising numeral formations using paints, crayons and whiteboards.
  • Playing with vehicles, dominoes, counters and loose parts to order and count quantities of different collections. 
  • Solving number problems and enjoyed singing number songs and rhymes. 
  • Learning about the term ‘googolplex’ and discussing what is the biggest number… ‘infinity’ or ‘googolplex’! 
  • Using calculators as an interesting provocation to explore numbers. 

We have grown our knowledge of number sequence and quantity through enjoying different counting games, and we are excited to have counted up to some really large numbers together! 


As we have watched on as co-constructors of children’s learning, each child’s enthusiasm for numbers and discovering them in our environment has been contagious. We look forward to continuing to scaffold and extend the growing number knowledge of our Preschool cohort as we continue on our learning journey as a class.


Mrs Bennett, Mrs Chew, Mrs Story, Mrs Curtis, Miss Ashle, Mr Raw

Preschool ELC Educators



Early Years Learning Framework/Curriculum links


Preschool Numeracy Indicator: I quantify my world



  • Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. 
  • Create and use representation to organise, record and communicate mathematical ideas and concepts


  • Demonstrate an increasing understanding of number using vocabulary to describe the names of numbers. 
  • Use language to communicate thinking about quantities to describe attributes of objects and collections and to explain mathematical ideas.