Community Notices

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On this page: Uniform Shop Opening Hours - July School Holidays 2024 / Deep Fake Resources

Uniform Shop Opening Hours - July School Holidays 2024

The Uniform Shop will be open the following days and no appointments are required.


Wednesday 17 July

9:00am to 2:00pm


Thursday 18 July

9:00am to 2:00pm


Monday 22 July



Tuesday 23 July

8:30am to 10:00am

3:00pm to 4:00pm


Christine Blom

Uniform Shop Manager

Deepfake, a reason for concern

Recently, as a community, we have been horrified by the latest misuse of technology called deepfake. Deepfake is defined as an 'image or recording that has been convincingly altered and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said'.  Most often used maliciously using AI Technology.


It is always concerning when technology is used to manipulate and shame our children as reported at Bacchus Marsh Grammar School. The Principal stated that it is ultimately up to the individuals involved to act ethically when using technology. Their students have made the choice to do the wrong thing and are suffering the consequences.


But this is hardly the proactive response we want to promote at Emmaus. In our context, we would like to educate students and families alike, about the dangers and ramifications of this new reality. The first step is to encourage students, your children, to adjust all of their accounts with friends to private.


We plan to hold information sessions later in the year to help families understand what they can do to support their child. 


However, in the meantime, I would like to provide you with some resources from the eSafety Commissioner:


Cybersafe Families -


And specifically for young people -      


To keep up-to-date with eSafety advice, resources and webinar registration details, I encourage you to sign up for the Safety Commissioner’s newsletter: newsletter and visit their Twitter and Facebook pages.


Andrea Grear

Principal - Secondary, South Plympton

Introducing Emmaus Early Explorers!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Emmaus Early Explorers group!


If you have children aged three and under, we warmly invite you and your little ones to our first session on Monday, 1 July. 


It will be a fantastic chance to make new friends, share experiences over a cuppa, and learn together while your children play in a safe and welcoming environment.


Lauren Hughes, Director of the Early Learning Centre, and Joel Overweel, Emmaus Christian College Chaplain, will facilitate our sessions.



Future session dates:

Monday 29 July

Monday 9 September 



For more information or to register interest in future playgroup sessions, contact


We look forward to seeing you there!




Lauren Hughes

Early Learning Centre Director