From the Head of Junior School, Brooklyn Park 

Marni Greenwood

Faith in our future

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the ‘Faith in our Future’ South Australian gathering, which celebrated the amazing work of Christian Schools. 


Organised by the ‘My Christian School’ initiative, these gatherings have been held nationwide over the last few months. 


We heard multiple stories from teachers, principals, parents, and even students, who passionately shared about the profound impact and positive effect that Christian Schools have had on their lives. 


It got me thinking about my own journey with Christian Schooling and the impact that this has made in my life, not just as a staff member but also as a student.


I grew up in a Christian home, and for my family, attending church was a normal part of our lives. I learned Bible stories and listened to my parents and church leaders talk about how much God loves us and wants to be an active part of our lives. For most of my primary school years, I also attended a Christian School. 


At school, like at home and church, I learned Bible stories and listened to my teachers talk about how much God loves us and wants to be an active part of our lives. When I reached Year 5, there was something in the way my teacher talked about it that hit home to me. God loves me. He sent his son Jesus to die for me. He wants to live in my heart and be part of my life. 


She gave us a booklet about how to become a Christian, and I knew with all of my heart that it’s what I wanted to do. That night as I sat in my bed, I pulled the booklet out and read the prayer out loud, committing my heart and life to God. As I think about that decision that I made all those years ago, I can’t help but be grateful for the passionate teacher who shared her faith with me and inspired me to pursue a Christian faith of my own.


This year marks 19 years for me of working in Christian schooling. For the last two decades, I have had the joy and privilege of teaching in schools that have allowed me to share my faith with the families and young people who I encounter. 


Just as Mrs Carrapiett did for me, I have had the opportunity to work alongside passionate Christian teachers to encourage young people in their faith, pray for them and their families, support them practically through difficult circumstances and be an active part of a faith-filled community that loves people the way Jesus modelled.


The ‘Faith in our Future’ evening was also held in response to a current political movement that has the potential to threaten the way that Christian Schools can be staffed and the way that we teach. 


The Australian Law Reform Commission has recommended to the Government that Christian (or any faith-based) schools be unable to employ staff who support and follow the school's faith beliefs. Should the Government accept these recommendations, the effect on our ability to continue providing a profoundly Christian education would be devastating.


I passionately believe that every parent has the right to choose a school that is the right fit for their family. For many families, that means being able to send their children to a Christian school that teaches Biblical truth and provides an environment that enables children to grow and flourish in their faith. For this to continue, it is vital that Christian schools be allowed to continue employing Christian staff, just as we can do now. 


I would encourage you, as parents who have chosen a Christian school for your children, to have a look at what is happening and let your voice be heard. 


A website has been set up with information and ways that you can show your support for Christian Schools.

Please also pray. Pray that the Government will hear the voice of its people and will not limit the incredible work that Christian Schools have been doing for decades and will continue to do for many, many decades to come.


Marni Greenwood

Head of Junior School, Brooklyn Park