Facilities & Capital Works 

Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke 

Yaluk Building:


The final touches to the building were completed during the holidays. Room 25 booths now have individual dimmable lighting. Room 25 are transitioning this week and will be in the new building by Friday. 

The printing  room in the Yaluk building is accessible from the corridor or from the Assessment & Meeting Room 3. A new photocopier has been installed for use.  Please keep the door into the A&M 3 locked at all times. It may be wise to keep the door from the corridor locked until all students have settled into the building and then maybe a longer term decision can be made.


The Livings Skills Team are planning setting up the vacated Room 25 portable into the Living Skills area and two Learning Specialists will also move into the room on the eastern side. It is fantastic that we now have the opportunity to expand programs for all of our students.


The official opening has been scheduled for 10am Monday 5th August. 

Details of the program will be released next week.


There were a number of maintenance jobs completed during the holidays. These included grooming of the playground turf; new line markings in carparks, painting of the science room and Meeting and Assessment room 2.


New photocopiers have been installed in the printing room in the Yaluk building, Learning Specialist area in old room 25, Meeting& Assessment Room 2, Resource room and in main administration office. You may need to select a new printer on your computers.


Facilities job requests and notifications: 

Log any jobs for Maintenance on SharePoint. When logging jobs please provide the exact location of the door, window etc this will allow Jacob to repair the item even if there is no staff member in the room. Logging the item in detail will enable Jacob and I to schedule the works and ensure they are completed in a timely manner. 


Big Bin

The big bin will be moved to the concrete pad staff carpark outside the storage room. DO NOT place items around the bin. If items do not fit in the bin take them back to your classroom and advise me and I will organise for it to be emptied. The bin is emptied every Wednesday morning before school commences.


Workplace inspections & reporting items

If you have a maintenance issue in your office or room these should be reported in the Maintenance log immediately. DO NOT wait until the end of term to report these issues as many need to be rectified as quickly as possible to avoid incidents.


Air conditioners can staff please make sure AC units are turned off at the end of the day. TURN OFF the AC units in the OT room & climbing room as you leave at the end of each session.