School Captain News 

Welcome to Term 1 Week 2


Things Happening In Week 3:

  • Shrove Tuesday 
  • Ash Wednesday Mass at 10.30 am
  • Friday whole school closure Day

Yard Slips


Yard slips are back for 2024, so do your best to earn a slip at break times, remember to put them in the letterbox near the Art room, this weeks winners are  Miraym from 3B for being respectful and Cole from 1D for being responsible.


Behaviour Bucks

This week we started our Bridgewater Behavior Bucks and we are delighted to say that our winners are: 3C with a score of 48 & 4D with a score of 47.

Congratulations to the classes who won, we will send out a list of rewards to choose from next week.  We love how behaved all of the classrooms are so far and hope you all stay on your best behaviour.


School Photos

We also had school photos this week and everyone looked fabulous. We could tell that you put a lot of effort into looking so stunning for your photos. If you missed out on your photo the catch up day will be on Monday the 19th of February and any sibling photos that were not taken are also on this day, if you want a sibling photo you can still collect a form from the office. 


As it has officially been two weeks since we have started school, we have been your School Captains for two weeks now. We have been enjoying our time as your School Captains as we are still learning about all the jobs we have to do. 

Thanks for all the ideas in the suggestion box, we will go through these and see if there are any that we can work on implementing into our school.


We hope you have a safe and fun weekend!


Amelia, Ivy, Cruz and Lesra.