VCE Indonesia Trip 

Prior to the commencement of the school term, VCE Indonesian students embarked on a 10 day trip to Indonesia as part of their cultural immersion program. Accompanied by Ibu Timi, Pak Survi and Mr Hellard, students from Year 11 and 12 visited Dwiwarna School and various sites. Read more about the students' experiences below!


The Indonesian journey became truly remarkable for me due to the remarkable people I encountered. From the educators and students to the orphans and various individuals we met along the way, each person left an indelible mark on my heart. The overwhelming kindness and assistance from everyone ensured that our trip was nothing short of extraordinary. Undoubtedly, each encounter served as a valuable lesson, from the teachers imparting knowledge of traditional music like angklung to engaging in traditional Indonesian games with local students. This experience allowed me to acquire profound insights, gain new perspectives, and cultivate enduring friendships that I will cherish throughout my lifetime.

Thisaga H M

Year 12


One of the most interesting parts of the Indonesian trip was the places we visited. These included the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Safari Park, Sea World, and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Each one of these places had unique experiences and we were able to learn much about Indonesian culture, geography and history such as traditional Indonesian housing, and animals, and we even learnt a traditional Balinese dance! The most enjoyable place for me was visiting the orphanage and having the opportunity to help deliver supplies and meet people there. On this trip, we made many friends for life and created unforgettable memories. 



Alan L

Year 12


What truly made Indonesia an enjoyable experience was our ability to soak in the rich culture of the local people. No doubt, the local students of Dwiwarna School allowed us to experience this culture first hand, but our journey was enhanced even more by the delicious foods and snacks that we tried. Ranging from different styles of rice, numerous curries, local fruits, assortment of teas and endless variety of snacks, Indonesia made sure our appetites were always satisfied! We learnt and experienced the traditional clothing of Indonesia, more specifically clothing and decorative items printed with the famous batik pattern. We were able to appreciate the different styles of batik that were unique to the various regions and islands of Indonesia. Other aspects of Indonesian culture that we enjoyed included learning about the native flora and fauna, traditional dances, Indonesian pop music and the blend of religions and cultures that makes Indonesia the unique and wonderful country it is. Ultimately, this out of the world exchange program and trip is one that will be ingrained in our memories for life, and we all have Ibu Timi, Pak Survi and Mr Hellard to thank for their efforts that went above and beyond to give us a truly joyous experience.

Nihar P

Year 12