From the Chaplaincy

Uplifting Thought

As we step into the new year, it is an opportune time to reflect on the power of uplifting thought and its transformative impact on our lives. In a world often characterised by challenges and uncertainties, cultivating a positive mindset becomes not just a choice, but a necessity for personal wellbeing and success.


Take a moment to consider your own understanding of the term "ideal." In our pursuit of perfection, it is essential to acknowledge that the ideal is not a static state but a dynamic concept, adaptable to the evolving circumstances of our lives.


Striving for perfection, in the context of being faultless and flawless, is a common aspiration. However, it is crucial to recognise that the pursuit of perfection is not about achieving an unattainable standard; rather, it's about continuous growth, improvement, and embracing the inherent goodness within ourselves and our experiences.

As we bid farewell to the past and welcome the possibilities of the new year, consider your ideal experience for 2024. Visualise a year filled with happiness, harmony, and good health. What would your ideal 2024 look like?


Consider the ultimate standard of goodness outlined in Genesis 1: "And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good." This concept suggests that, at its core, everything is inherently good. Embracing this perspective can serve as a foundation for positive living. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy says: “Everything good or worthy God made. Whatever is valueless or baneful He did not make, - hence it’s unreality.”


In a world that may seem chaotic and challenging, the question arises: How do we make the ideal a reality in our lives? The answer lies in magnifying the good. By consciously focusing on uplifting thoughts, finding positivity in every situation, and expressing gratitude, we can bring beauty and excellence into our daily experiences.

Philippians 4:8 provides a guide for uplifting thought: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things." By consciously directing our thoughts toward the positive aspects of life, we can manifest a more fulfilling and harmonious existence.


Take the following story as an example. A man sets out in a rowing boat, paddling beyond the breakers. Suddenly, a thick fog descends, leaving him disoriented and unable to see. Despite the challenges, the man, accustomed to starting his day mindfully and acknowledging the presence of God's goodness, remains calm. He receives a compelling thought to "stand up," and as he does, he elevates above the fog, gaining clarity and direction. The narrative underscores the metaphorical "fog" in life's challenges, emphasising the power of uplifting thought and spiritual guidance to overcome obstacles and find solutions.


Did you know that every rainbow is actually a full circle despite typically perceiving only a half arc? The fullness of the rainbow becomes apparent from an elevated view, such as that of a pilot at 10,000 meters above sea level. This analogy, shared by Rob Kitchingman, a retired member of the Chaplaincy team, highlights the idea that, similar to our limited perspective of a rainbow from the ground, we often fail to perceive our true essence by outward material appearances. As a teacher, the narrative encourages uplifting thoughts to see beyond the struggles of students, recognising their true expression as a reflection of infinite intelligence, and unlimited potential.

The power to change our world lies within our thoughts. By consciously uplifting our thoughts, we can create a more fulfilling and harmonious reality. Bicknell Young says: “This present moment, and every moment of today, is one of conscious contact with infinite good.” 


As we embark on the journey of 2024, let us embrace the potential of uplifting thought to create a positive, purposeful, and joyous year ahead. By focusing on the ideal within ourselves and the world around us, we pave the way for a transformative and fulfilling experience.


Mrs Meg Cole and Mrs Rhonda Jenkin

The Chaplaincy Team