Around the Grounds - Junior School

It has been a joy and a privilege to welcome Junior School students back onto campus for what will be a thoroughly exciting year. There has been such a buzz in the corridors, in the playground and in classrooms, as our students have moved up to a new classroom and established new learning communities with their new classroom teachers. Choirs and ensembles are springing back to life and our Chamber Choir auditions will take place over the next few weeks. Chess is up and running with record enrolments, Eco Warriors are gearing up to make positive change in our world, Tech Club is ready to inspire a new group of young engineers and scientists, and the JS Library, as always, offers a story-filled sanctuary at lunchtimes.


We are thrilled to welcome two talented and inspiring new staff members to the Junior School, with Ms Cassie Sulc taking classroom Music lessons for Years Prep to 6, and Mrs Amanda Wilson in the library as our JS Library Technician. They are each doing wonderful work with our students; please do say hello to them if you have the opportunity.


We have a very busy term ahead! We already have the JS Meet the Teacher and school photos behind us, and we’re looking forward to the ELC Meet the Teacher evening, the P&F picnic, a THRASS workshop, the JS Athletics carnival and NAPLAN testing. I have had the pleasure of chatting with many parents so far this year, and I look forward to seeing even more JS family members at a school event soon.


Ms Carly Major Gough
Head of Junior School

Term 1 Leaders

Thomson House Captains

Rian W W & Peter G

Ruthven House Captains

Charlotte H & Hayden P

Music Captains

Anastasia M & Isabella B


Foundation students started their first day with a few tears, but plenty of smiles! Students hardly noticed their parents and carers leaving as they played with new friends!

Year 1

They're not the youngest anymore! Year 1 students looked all grown up on their first day as the big kids on the Junior playground.

Year 2

Year 2 students looked right at home in their new classroom with Ms Sinclair!

Year 3

Year 3 students got to witness their beautiful flowers in full bloom that they planted at the end of 2023. Thank you Ryan for leading this group of green thumbs!

Year 4, 5 & 6

After their first assembly back, Year 4, 5 & 6 students took a walk around the oval with hymnals in hand.

Foundation & Year 6

In Week 2, Foundation and Year 6 students met for the first time! During this session, Year 6 students took the opportunity to read to Foundation students outdoors in the sunshine.

Year 6

Year 6 students received their Year 6 Badges in assembly this week, presented by Mrs Christensen.