From the Principal 

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8


Welcome to 2024!


We commenced our school year with a celebration of our theme for 2024: Uplifting Thought. As St. Paul advises in Philippians 4:8, let us focus on the good in our lives and put into practice an approach that celebrates these blessings. This idea will be the cornerstone of our journey throughout the year, guiding us in all that we undertake.


This year we were honoured to have two guest speakers, Mr Peter Thompson,  Chair of the Huntingtower Board, and from the class of 2008, Mr David Swan. We are very grateful that David was able to find time from his duties as Technology Editor for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald to share with us both his learnings from his time as a student at Huntingtower and his experiences in the robust world of journalism. I hope that you enjoy the various extracts from his speech published further in this Bulletin. 


Mr Peter Thompson shared a poignant anecdote about a circus elephant that, though capable of breaking free from its bonds, remained confined due to a conditioned belief that escape was impossible. This tale serves as a powerful metaphor for our students to find the courage to move beyond perceived limitations. To explore solutions and actively shape their view of the world.


2024 promises to be an exciting year with a range of opportunities for students to participate in. Our Period 6 program started this week and the various choirs, orchestras, sport training, chess and production rehearsals have begun. Attendance has been impressive with over 100 students in the Middle School Choir, 170 plus in the Senior School Choir and close to 180 students trying out for roles in our School Production, The Addams Family. Each morning, the pool has been at maximum capacity with House Swimming training in preparation for the Senior School Swimming Carnival on 19th February. The enthusiasm of our student body renders Huntingtower a very special place.


I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet and greet as many parents as possible at the upcoming P&F welcome BBQ next Friday. Be prepared to be serenaded by our incredibly talented musicians, imbibe in friendly camaraderie, and receive a warm welcome to Huntingtower.


Mrs Shan Christensen
