Learning at Home 

Reflection Journals 

As we continuously strive to enhance the teaching and learning experience at LNPS, we are excited to share a significant update with you regarding a shift in our approach to engagement about learning with families.


This year from Reception to Year 6 we will be transitioning from the traditional Teaching and Learning newsletters, which were distributed each Semester, and Homework Grids to a more interactive and reflective platform known as Learning Reflection Journals. This change is designed to deepen the connection between home and school, fostering a collaborative learning environment that involves both students and their families. 


Reflection Journals are designed to enhance the connection between home and school, creating a collaborative learning environment involving both students and families. These journals serve as a conversation starter about learning experiences in school. We encourage you to help your child to share their thoughts, ask questions, and express their feelings about what they are learning. Examples of what has been happening in class will be provided by all class teachers as well as Specialist staff. Sharing this together will enable your child to consolidate their learning.


The journals will also feature suggestions and resources for home-based learning to reinforce and extend lessons from the classroom. To complement in-school experiences, we invite families to support their child's education by engaging in learning activities at home. 


Initially implemented by Reception teachers in 2022 and successfully adopted by the year 1/2 team in 2023, we are now extending Learning Reflection Journals to all classes from Reception to Year 6 this year. The frequency of these journals will vary based on year levels, as outlined below:

  • Reception: Every 3 weeks
  • Mellor: Every 2-3 weeks (depending on Literacy learning progress with InitiaLit)
  • Torrens and Fisher:  Every 4 weeks

We believe that the transition to Reflection Journals will provide a more enriching and engaging experience for both students and families. Your support and active participation are greatly appreciated as we embark on this exciting new phase of our educational journey. 


Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher. Thank you for your ongoing partnership in creating a nurturing and collaborative learning environment.


Here are some examples of what the Reflection Journals will look like.