Unit of Work
In Term 1, our Unit of Work is: Strength to Strength
Our grade one and two's are growing, and showing their unique talents and strengths. During this unit, they learn about their own strengths and talents, and those of their peers. They also reflect on areas they would like to grow and improve. They describe strategies to make connections with peers (both friends and classmates), and solving problems using strengths.
Students establish ways to celebrate strengths, express gratitude, and they develop skills required for participation in group tasks to enable them to learn and problem solve together. Students develop the vocabulary and strategies to improve their thinking, including a growth mindset and ways to resolve conflict. They understand that personal feelings can affect decision-making and actions.
We will be continuing to work through the Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships Program (RRRR). This program supports schools and early childhood settings to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.
Using the RRRR Program, and with support from Open Parachute and Zones of Regulations we aim to help build positive social interactions across our class and the whole school community.