Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 4, Term 1



Prep students will continue to practice greeting each other by signing good morning and/or afternoon. They will also strengthen this skill by learning a new song called ‘Good Morning.’


Grade 1 and 2

Students will continue toreview the signs for the common items found in and around their classroom. They will complete a matching activity to help them recognise and remember these signs.


Grade 3 and 4

Students will review the signs for common classroom objects, as well as be introduced to the signs for the frequently asked questions in class. They will play recognition games to consolidate their understanding.


Grade 5 and 6

Students will review the signs for common classroom objects, as well as be introduced to the signs for the frequently asked questions in class. They will practise signing these questions, as well as complete a quiz to help them recognise these signs.

Performing Arts

🎵 Prep

Students are continuing to explore the concept of keeping the beat (the underlying pulse in music) by clapping, tapping and moving to music. They will extend their learning by experiencing and categorising the tempo of music into fast or slow. 


🎤 Grade 1 and 2

Students are continuing to explore rhythm patterns using 'ti-ti' and 'ta' through a variety of songs and movements. They will experiment with using these patterns to create their own rhythms. Students will also continue to learn the words to 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' in Woiwurrung (the language of the Wurundjeri people). We are up to 'eyes, ears, mouth and nose'.  


🎶 Grade 3 and 4

Students are using drama activities to explore the themes, characters and stories in two books. The tasks allow students to step into the shoes of different characters and consider their perspectives, decisions and actions. Through the experiences, students will unpack the question; 'What does friendship mean?', linking to our CBL Big Idea of 'Community'. 


🎭 Grade 5 and 6

Students are continuing to explore physical theatre, focusing on how  they can use their bodies, gestures and movements to communicate to an audience. They will investigate how they can respond to an idea or piece of inspiration to create theatre. Tasks provide the chance for students to collaborate together as they offer ideas, and accept or build on the ideas of each other.

Visual Arts


☀️ Students are creating their first seasonal picture, focussing on Summer and elements that we find at the beach. They will practise hole punching, resist painting (using oil pastels with an ink wash over the top) and moulding plasticine to create a person sunning themselves on a beach towel!


Grade 1 and 2

🏘️ Students will be thinking about this term’s CBL Big Idea ‘Community’ and discussing the physical community that they are surrounded by. They will chose a favourite place that they like to visit and create a plasticine scene on cardboard.


Grade 3 and 4

🏞️ Students will be using their skills from last week’s watercolour lesson to create a background for their silo art to sit on. They will be using watercolour paints and pencils to create different effects for their silo image.  


Grade 5 

✐ Students will be continuing with their ‘Super Hero Self’ Portrait, adding colour and pattern detail to their traced faces. 


Grade 6

🦀 Students will be completing their first ceramic project for the year, creating a rockpool using terracotta and white clay. They will learn to use tools and hand building techniques to create realistic coral, sea creatures and rock texture.