Level 1 & 2 Wonga Weekly

Week 4, Term 1




This week in Reading we will continue exploring vocabulary which helps us to visualise; noticing nouns, verbs and adjectives when we read. 

We will be starting 'Reading Groups' this week as well. Your child might mention that they have a different teacher for Reading Groups. If you are unsure of this process, please check in with your child's classroom teacher. More information about Reading Groups will also be available on our 'Information Night' recording.


In Writing we will focus on sentence structure. We will continue to write descriptively, noticing how our structures, such as full stops, help to build sentences that others can easily read and understand. 


For Phonics this week we will continue breaking words up into syllables (sound parts) to help us with spelling when we are writing.  The number of  syllables in a word can be found by beating out the parts of the word, eg wa/ter/mel/on. It is also helpful to know that each syllable (part) has a vowel in it.


What you can do at home

Encourage reading every night (or in the morning before school, if that suits the routine  in your household better!). Please remember to complete the Reading Log each night that your child reads. Your child's classroom teacher will check Reading Logs each week, usually on a Friday.



We will continue thinking about number patterns. Knowing how to skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s is useful when counting large collections-this makes counting efficient!

We are also encouraging a 'growth' mindset during our numeracy sessions. Sometimes we are faced with an unsure feeling when we don't initially know how to solve a problem. Having a growth mindset ensures we work through the problem to find a solution and it takes courage, persistence and resilience to achieve success.


What you can do at home

While you are driving around in the car together, call out the numbers that you see on a series of letterboxes. What do you notice? What do you wonder?



We are currently revisiting some great tools that help us navigate problems. You may have heard your child talk about the 'Catastrophe Scale' before? This tool helps us to remember to keep things in perspective. It helps us know that most of our daily problems are not catastrophes and can usually be fixed. An example we use at school might include forgetting your lunch or having an argument with a friend. These are not catastrophes and with some 'thinking it through' and 'talking it out' we can usually solve the problem-maybe a '1' on the scale!

You might like to refer to this tool at home. Please find a copy below, for your reference.


We are currently building an understanding of the following questions-

'What is a community?' and 'What is in our community?'

Students have also been discussing what makes their classroom community happy and the ways we can encourage a positive school community.



Please ensure your child brings their 'Take Home Book Pocket' to school every day. Help your child by reminding them to pack it in their school bag as soon as they have finished reading at home. This will help with setting a good daily habit, making things easier in the long run!


Please remember to pack a reusable water bottle each day in your child's school bag. With some warmer weather predicted this week, it is important that we all have easy access to water. Having a water bottle available in the classroom is an easy way for your child to stay hydrated at all times.


We will be working through our iPad agreement process over the next two weeks. Your child will be able to bring their iPad to school once this process is complete. Once their iPad 'licence' comes home, we will be asking for students to bring their iPads to school each day. At this stage, iPads are not required at school.