Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 4, Term 1


🗓️ Upcoming Dates: 

Monday 19th Feb: Whole School Assembly (Preps will be attending. Parents are welcome!)

Wednesday 21st Feb: Assessment Day #3

Wednesday 28th Feb: Assessment Day #4



As of this week, we will be reducing the time that the buddies play together outside. Please talk about these changes with your child to reassure them that the buddies are still there but everyone now needs to connect with friends of their own age group. It might be a good idea to talk about games that they can play outside with their Prep friends. We will have these conversations at school too. 



Our students have four opportunities to eat during the day. Please make sure you send your child to school with plenty of food. It might be a good idea to put brain food ('mini bites') in a separate container for ease of choice, and so that they don't inadvertently eat their lunch during the 'recess' time, as this often leads to hungry tummies later in the day! 

It is a good idea to include your child with the food options that are put in their lunch box, as this may lead to food being eaten happily, and not coming back home at the end of the day. 


🏀 🎨 🎭 Specialist Timetables:

We have attached the Term 1 Specialist timetable for each grade. You will also find a copy of this on each window of the Prep classrooms. 



📚 Reading 

Students will discuss elements of stories such as character and setting. While learning about characters, they will also consider characterisation (eg. what are the attributes of the characters in the stories they listen to). Students will listen to stories and complete tasks related to character, setting and sequencing.

Students will also receive their own book box. These boxes stay at school and are filled with level appropriate books for students to read during individual reading time. 


What can you do at home?

-Read to your child at bed time. Ask them - 'What is happening in the story?  Who are the characters? What is the setting?' (eg. where does the story take place?)


🔡 Phonics 

Students will learn about the letters 'p' (first half of the week) and 'i' (second half of the week) and their sounds. They will learn the cued articulation and brainstorm words that begin with 'p' and 'i'.

Using the letters / sounds of s, a, t, p, and i, students will start making and decoding words, eg. sat, sip, sit, etc.


What you can do at home?

-Ask your child to show you the cued articulation for 'p' and 'i', and the sounds they make.

-Discuss words that start with 'p' and 'i', or words that contain these sounds. 

-Use the letters / sounds of s, a, t, p, and i to make and decode words eg. sat, sip, sit, etc.


📝 Writing 

Students will participate in a range of writing experiences including writing / drawing in their journal, continuing to write their name in 'school' writing (with one capital letter at the start, followed by lower case letters) and learning how to hold a pencil correctly as they complete handwriting sessions. 


What can you do at home?

-Help your child to write their name in 'school' writing - a capital letter followed by lower case letters. 

-Help your child to develop their pencil grip / pinch. See the images below as a guide. Also remind your child to steady the page with their non-writing hand. 

Left Hand
Right Hand
Left Hand
Right Hand


🔢  Maths 

Students will explore the concept of pattern, including the associated vocabulary. They will create, describe and extend patterns using a varied range of materials, movements and drawings. They will also identify which part of the pattern is being repeated (happening over and over again).


What can you do at home? 

-Notice patterns in the environment around you. What can you create using the materials around you?!

-Continue to count collections with 1-1 counting.


🌏 CBL - Community

Students will focus on their Prep community and think about the ways they can be a kind friend to everyone. They will consider the words, actions and feelings that create a happy Prep classroom, to ensure that everyone can thrive in a safe and respectful learning environment.