Parents & Friends News

Dear all,
What an exciting few weeks we have had. We kicked off the year with a welcome sausage sizzle and icy pole. Thanks to Holly, Jeremy, Trinity and Amy for helping out. It was a really great way to start the year.
This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday better known as Pancake Tuesday. All the children enjoyed yummy pancakes made by Holly, Jeremy, Tara, Jade, Karla, Diana, Paula, Katerina and Leilani who kindly gave up their time to make pancakes for all the children, so thank you. I would also like to thank our wonderful teachers for allowing us to bring them into the classroom.
Please note changes to our Welcome Drinks on Friday 23 February 2024. Our Welcome Drinks will now be held at The Village Belle Hotel, 202 Barkly Street, St Kilda, in the Balcony Bar function room upstairs. Cost is $30 per person which includes a welcome drink on arrival and food throughout the night. Drinks at bar prices. There will also be two door prizes given away on the night. Tickets are now on sale and will close on Friday 23 February 2024 at 12noon. So grab your ticket and come along to a fun filled night.
There will be two working bees this term as we commence the establishment of the new garden bed along the Zen Zone. Cathy, Anthony and Heinz together with the landscaper have been working on the timeline to prepare for winter planting. For the first two working bees we will need wheelbarrows, shovels and pick axes. There will be some soil and rock removed as well as some dead vegetation. The dates are Friday 1st March and Friday 15th March at 3:30pm until 6pm. If you have children that require supervision they are welcome to stay, although due to safety and the stage of this project they will not be able to assist on the beds. We will also be organising a bbq for helpers.
There are a few ways to get involved with this project:
- lending tools to be used on the day
- working the garden beds
- supervising children on the playground
- helping with the bbq
If you are available please let your class rep know.
Finally, our Second hand Uniform shop will also be open on Friday 23 February 2024 from 3.00pm to 3.45pm.
On behalf of the P&F have a lovely weekend. Regards Louisa