Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 

Welcome back to a new year on our Faith Journey at St Mary’s!

A warm welcome back to school this year. This year, 2024 has been marked by Pope Francis as the “Year of Prayer” in preparation for his jubilee in 2025.


‘I ask you to intensify your prayer to prepare us to live well this event of grace, and to experience the strength of God’s hope.’ - POPE FRANCIS 2024


Dates coming up at St Mary’s

Some important dates to please add to your calendar this year:

Wednesday 6th March  - P-2 Prayers In Pyjamas 6:00pm

Sunday 17th March  - Junior School Mass 5:30pm

*Sunday 24th March - Palm Sunday

Thursday 28th March - Holy Thursday, At school Liturgy at 9.15am 

Stations of the Cross

*Friday 29th April - Good Friday

*Sunday 31st April - Easter Sunday


*Dates marked with an asterisk are important liturgical dates which we won’t have special school Masses for, however, if you would like to attend you may be interested in doing so.


Season of Lent

This Lent, don’t forget about Easter! 

The season of Lent is a time of Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving but it isn’t always very simple. Fr Michael Buck, a young priest, gives tips on how we can have a more fruitful Lenten season.


Caritas and Project Compassion

This year we are yet again contributing to Caritas and their work to support those in need through the Project Compassion boxes. Our Faith and Social Justice leaders will give a brief explanation of Caritas and their work at Assembly and you will have received a box, please put spare change into this box to make a big change to those in need.


To find out more about Caritas please go to:

Ronita’s Story - Living below the poverty line in the Philippines.


Our work this term at St Mary’s Primary School 

This term we are working on understanding better God, Religion and Life, exploring concepts such as God as a Trinitarian God, His relationship with us and how we express our relationship with God through our faith and religion. We are also learning more about how the school was formed under the traditions of the Catholic faith and how globally we are part of a charism founded by the Presentation sisters and inspired by the work of Nano Nagle. 


Towards the end of the term I strongly encourage you to join us for our Stations of the Cross presented by the students at our school. Our Year 5/6 students will be working together to plan and execute this liturgy in a powerful way - a great way to prepare for Holy Week and Easter.


Thank you

Thank you to all the students, families and staff that I have seen at Mass on our special beginning of year Masses this year. It has been wonderful to see so many coming to commune with the local parish on Sunday and on Ash Wednesday.


God bless you all this year!