Years 5 & 6

Our first full week of the term has been spent establishing routines and firing up our brains for learning.
We have begun our spelling program and will be tested on our words every Friday. On Wednesday, we had our first session in the school library and everyone was encouraged to borrow books. Our home reading folders and diaries have begun and students are expected to read daily and complete their reading record on their diary. Diaries and folders should be returned to school every Thursday to be checked and marked. Please encourage your children to read good fit books regularly as it is such an important part of learning.
In maths we have been working with numbers into the millions and learning how to round off.
Our training for the Picnic Sports has begun and everyone is super keen to give it their best go.
Everyone has coped well with the change of classrooms and teacher on a Thursday and should be congratulated on the responsible manner in which they have begun Year 5 and 6.