What's Happening

Grade 6 Graduation


On Monday night, the Grade 6 students attended their graduation at Box Hill Golf Course. We were very proud of the way they spoke about their time at Robbie Mac and they all had an amazing night singing and dancing.

 There were lots of proud and emotional parents and carers watching their child say goodbye to Primary School. 

We hope you have enjoyed your time at RMPS and all the things you have had the opportunity to experience. 

All the best next year as you all take the next step in your schooling and enter the world of Secondary School.





Grade 5 & 6 Mini Market Day 


Our students this term have been learning about Economics and Entrepreneurship. In groups students created their own market stall to sell various items to the school to raise money for Make a Wish and Bernardo’s Charity Organisations. 

As a 5/6 we raised over 1,000.00 for these organisations! 

How amazing is that! 

All the students worked hard and their efforts paid off! 






Student Voice 



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