Prep News
From Julia, Prep teacher
Your first year of school is done!
Congratulations on finishing your first ever year of school, Preps!
Here are some of the things you have all accomplished in your first year:
- 100 days of school
- Junior Sports Day
- Swimming program
- Learning to read and write
- Learning how to post to Seesaw independently
- Making new friends
- Learning to problem solve
- Transitioning to the new campus (and navigating all the stairs we have to climb every day!)
This term, you have learned to skip count, program beebots, shared fairly between groups, learnt the value of Australian coins and how to add them, how to write in detail, correctly spell words based on their sounds, the importance of being safe with our and other people’s bodies, and much more.
Preps, finishing your first year of school is a massive achievement, and all of your teachers are so proud of how far you have all come this year. We can see that you’re well and truly ready for Year 1 and your new teachers are very lucky to have you all.
Thank you for all the wonderful memories this year and we wish you all the best for the rest of your educational journey.
Have a fantastic school holidays and we will see you all next year!