Kitchen & Garden News

From Erin and Kristen, Kitchen Specialists

The Big Day - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony

Over 12kg flour, 6kg tomato passata, 7kg mozzarella , 80 x garlic cloves, 750 x chocolate chips, 280 x basil leaves. 


Congratulations Year 6 on a wonderful Graduation ceremony, your speeches and performances were so thoughtful and entertaining.


Thank you for all your effort over the past few weeks in the kitchen, preparing all of our dishes for the Graduation picnic dinner. 

Tom and Kristen
Picnic box
Tom and Kristen
Picnic box


As the saying goes “many hands make light work” and your help made the night a delicious success! 


A special BIG THANKYOU to those staff who helped leading up to and on the night, Gazala, Rachel D, Frank, Ben F, Kristen P, Tom M, the Leadership team, the Year 6 Team, and Sharon and the Biz-E-kids team. 


All the best for your high school adventures Year 6 and keep cooking!