Around The Primary

Dear Families

It has been wonderful to see the students’ smiling faces throughout the last three weeks. Now that Years 4-6 swimming lessons are finished; we have been able to get into more of a routine! We are very proud of the Year 1 and Year 2 students for becoming so independent using the loop ‘drive through’ in the mornings and afternoons.


This week the Years 4-6 students celebrated Mass for Ash Wednesday. This liturgy marked the beginning of the season of Lent, a time for repentance, fasting, prayer and generosity in preparation for the feast of Easter. The significant words, 'Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel’ were shared as students and staff came forward to receive ashes on their foreheads.


The younger students participated in Lenten reflections within their classrooms and were reminded that during the Lenten season we should try to try to become more like Jesus. The students were intrigued to learn that the ashes they received on their foreheads were made from the burning of palm leaves which were saved from last year's Palm Sunday.

Special thanks to all those that left busy homes and workplaces to come along to the Parent Information sessions this week.  Please continue to support the teachers as it gives your child/ren a greater sense of reassurance knowing we are all working as a team. Years 1 – 6 Parent Information Evening Presentations are available to view on SEQTA Engage under each respective Year Group tab. 


Thank you to all those families who joined us last Saturday evening at our Super Summer Picnic – it was a perfect warm evening and a great opportunity for us all to connect with one another. My thanks are extended to Ric Del Pizzo, Doug Watson, Jeff Jansen, Lisa Martella and their teams and Nancy Petsos – your generous service of our community is greatly appreciated.  We would also like to applaud the group of secondary students for volunteering to assist on a Saturday night! I’m sure you will also agree that ‘foam frenzy’ and ‘bop til u drop’ did a fantastic job of keeping the children entertained throughout the evening. 

It was great to see people reaching out in friendship to new faces and families – it really helped to make new families feel welcome. It is always wonderful when we have an opportunity to come together as a community – thank you so much for making the effort to come along and for the positive emails and comments shared on the night. Here are some lovely examples:

I just wanted to send a message of thanks for yet another great family picnic on Saturday night. The kids had an absolute ball, and it was such a lovely atmosphere and wonderful opportunity to catch up with other families. 

Thanks to you and the staff involved in making it happen every year and in giving up part of your precious weekend. It certainly helps to build such a warm and welcoming school environment and a great way to spend a Saturday evening.

Just a quick note to say THANK YOU for a wonderful Summer Picnic. My children had the best time … they said they had so much fun. It was very well organised and appreciate everyone’s time in making it a picnic to remember! 

Just wanting to share our thanks and gratitude to JTC for putting on such a sensational picnic event. To put on something that caters for such an age range of children and do it so well, is no mean feat. Thank you again. Our family thoroughly enjoyed it!

The Year 6 students are getting very excited to be receiving their leaders’ badges at the Assembly next Friday 23 February. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:00am in Roncalli Hall.


Kind regards


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary 

Dates to Remember

Tuesday 20 February7:30am Cross-Country Training (Secondary ovals)
3:30pm to 4:30pm Years 3-6 Swimming training (College Pool)
Wednesday 21 February Kindergarten Health Checks
Thursday 22 February7:30am Cross-Country Training (Secondary ovals)
3:30pm to 4:30pm Years 3-6 Swimming training (College Pool)
Friday 23 February9:00am Year 6 Leaders’ Assembly (Roncalli Hall)

Please check the College Website to note all the important Primary school events for your family calendar. 


By subscribing to the College calendar, you are automatically alerted when details of an existing event are changed.  


We are currently preparing for The National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy which will take place in Week 7. Students in Yearscatch-ups 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be assessed in the areas of Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. 


Assessments are a normal part of the teaching and learning cycle so there is no need for students to feel under added pressure during NAPLAN. Year 3 and 5 classroom teachers are spending time with their students teaching them how to navigate the screen when using the Online assessment platform. 


We encourage the students to approach the assessments with a positive mindset and to try their best.


NAPLAN Timeline

Week 5 (commencing 26 February)

Practice Tests – Provides an opportunity for students to become familiar with using the test platform.


NAPLAN online testing window 

Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March


NAPLAN Testing Schedule and Window

WEEK ONE – Testing to start at 9am


13 March

Day 1 Testing


14 March   

Day 2 Testing


15 March

Day 3 Testing

Year 3 

Writing (paper)

40 minutes




Year 3 


45 minutes




Year 3 Conventions of Language

45 minutes


(Last day for Year 3 Writing catch-ups)

Year 5 

Writing (online)

42 minutes


Year 5 


50 minutes

Year 5 Conventions of Language

45 minutes

WEEK TWO – Testing to start at 9am 


19 March 

Day 5 Testing


20 March 

Day 6 Testing


21 March 

Day 7 Testing


22 March 

Day 8 Testing

Year 3 


45 minutes

(Opportunity for catch-up assessments if able to follow test sequence)


(Opportunity for catch-up assessments if able to follow test sequence)


(Opportunity for catch-up assessments if able to follow test sequence)


Sacramental Program – Students in Years 3, 4 and 6

Parishes have begun enrolling for their Sacrament Programs and parents are encouraged to enrol their child in their ‘home’ parish. 


The program is family-focused, parish-based, Catholic school-supported. This means that parents are respected as first educators in the faith of their children. 


The family is supported by the College Religious Education program. In Year 3, students are taught the content for First Reconciliation; in Year 4, the content for First Holy Communion and in Year 6, the content for Confirmation. Students celebrate these sacraments in their parish. 


Each Parish has a unique Sacrament program. As they become available, details from the parishes located nearest to the College will be updated on the College website. 


Parents often have questions about the Sacrament program, so don’t be afraid to ask:

Sport Update

We have had a great turnout at our first week of cross-country training (Tuesday and Thursday 7:30am) and swimming training (Tuesday sand Thursday 3:30pm to 4:30pm). The enthusiasm to be out and active and prepare for upcoming carnivals is always so pleasing to see!  There is one more week of swimming training before the Interhouse Swimming Carnival on Tuesday, 27 February. 


We have slightly altered the timing of the Swimming carnival; it will now start at 11:00am with presentations at 2:30pm.  This is to accommodate the enthusiasm from our students to swim in the 50m events, as well as, to be mindful of exposure to the sun. 


Years 3-6 Tennis Trials

Tennis trials for the Academy Plate will take place on Tuesday 20 February at 7:45am at the College Tennis courts.  This is open to all students in Years 3 to 6.  Please note that places are limited, and teams will be selected on ability due to this being a competitive tournament. 


If you have any queries about anything sport related, please contact me via email: 


Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator

Music Update

Choir and instrumental ensemble rehearsals next week are as follows:

Wanju VoicesMonday 19 February 7:30am Osborne Room
String OrchestraTuesday 20 February 7:45am Osborne Room
Year 6 Band Wednesday 21 February 7:30am Performing Arts Centre
Primary SingersThursday 22 February 8:00am Osborne Room
Chapel ChoirFriday 23 February7:30am Chapel

If you have any queries regarding Primary Music, please contact me via email:


Catherine Haydon

Primary Music Teacher

Counsellor’s Corner


The attached article from Happy Families is a helpful read about how parents can manage technology at home.


On Tuesday 27 February, Dr Justin Coulson (parenting expert and author) will be holding a one-off online event about youth mental health. 


This 60-minute webinar will include information on: 

  • Youth mental health
  • Science-backed, relationship-focused strategies to remedy school refusal.
  • Realistic approaches for managing screen time in a way that protects your child's wellbeing without completely alienating them from their peers.
  • Creating margin in your home and family life to protect and promote mental wellness.

Who is Justin?

Dr Justin Coulson is Australia’s most trusted parenting expert and author.  He is the co-host of Channel Nine’s Parental Guidance, and his Happy Families podcast is the #1 podcast in Australia for parenting and family issues.  Justin holds a PhD in Psychology and he and his wife Kylie are the parents of 6 daughters. 


To access just log in using these credentials:

URL - 

Password – happyjxc

Once logged in select “Breaking Point”


If you have any concerns about your child, come past my office for a chat or you can phone or email me anytime. Contacting me does not have to be a last resort but rather can be a starting point. I am available at school Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursday mornings.  My direct number is 9383 0469 and I can be contacted anytime by email:


Anne Murphy

Primary Counsellor

Extend After School Care

Please click on the following link to find out about After School Care offered by Extend including hours of operation, fees and how to book - John XXIII College - Extend


The team at Extend can be contacted via email: or call 1300 366 437.