Uniform Shop
Term 1 opening hours
The Uniform Shop is open weekdays from 7:45am to 12pm.
Music Photo Day 19 March
We have a full range of new and secondhand Music Jackets available for purchase before Music Photo Day on Tuesday 19 March. Now is the perfect time to sell any Music Jackets that no longer fit and pick up a replacement in a larger size, or place your name in our secondhand order book for the size you want.
Netball Dresses available
We have a full range of new and second-hand Netball dresses for purchase before the season starts at the start of Term 2. Now is the perfect time to sell any Netball dresses that no longer fit and pick up a replacement in a larger size, or place your name in our secondhand order book for the size you want. We also have a limited number of netball jackets left in stock to keep you warm when you are courtside.
Secondhand uniforms
A big thank you to all the families who have dropped off their secondhand uniforms for donation and/or processing. We have been inundated with uniforms to sort and we are grateful for your patience while we work our way through the backlog!
If you have not yet dropped off your excess items this year, our secondhand processing form is attached – simply fill it in and include it in the bag with your items. Please ensure that items are washed before bringing them in, as we do not pay out on items requiring additional laundering.
Online orders
If you are confident about your child’s sizes, you can order online using the form below. Completed orders can be collected from the Uniform Shop or delivered to your child’s primary classroom or secondary homeroom. Please email any queries and orders to uniformshop@johnxxiii.edu.au.
Your Friendly Uniform Shop Team
Phone: 9383 0426
Email: uniformshop@johnxxiii.edu.au