
Year 7 Vaccination

The Department of Health is offering parents of students in Year 7 the opportunity to have their child vaccinated against:

  • diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) - 1 dose.
  • human papillomavirus (HPV) – 1 dose.

The Department of Health Vaccine Nurses will visit the College on Wednesday, 28 February  to Vaccinate Year 7 students.


Parents/carers must now use the online VaccinateWA system to complete the vaccination consent form to consent to their child receiving vaccinations while at school. 


Please follow the link to register your child to obtain information about the vaccines and please see the ‘how to register to provide consent’ section for instructions.


Please register consent or decline by no later than 20 February.

Allergy Awareness

The College has students who have severe allergic reactions to nuts and other allergens. This reaction is called anaphylaxis.  It is a severe, rapidly progressive allergic reaction that is potentially life-threatening and requires urgent treatment.


Our school does its best to be an “Allergy Aware” School. The College can never totally eliminate the risk of anaphylaxis, and we cannot guarantee a totally allergen-free environment.  The key to the prevention of anaphylaxis in schools is knowledge of the student who has been diagnosed as at risk, awareness of allergens, prevention and avoidance of exposure to those allergens and action in the case of a reaction.


As a preventative measure, could we please ask you to consider the students in our College who are at risk of anaphylaxis by educating your child:

  • To respect children who have food allergies.
  • Don’t share food or swap food. Don’t share eating utensils and drink containers.
  • Don’t share musical mouthpieces.
  • Wash hands before and after eating.
  • Ask your child to get help immediately if their schoolmate with an allergy becomes unwell.

If your child has a severe food allergy, please educate your child:

  • Not to share food or swap food. Don’t share eating utensils and drink containers.
  • Avoid drinking from drink bubbler.
  • Don’t share musical mouthpieces.
  • Wash hands before and after eating.
  • Food for your child should be supplied from home.
  • We request your child’s food allergy be stated when ordering food from the Canteen.
  • Parents are advised that their child should carry their Adrenaline Autoinjector and Action Plan on them when age-appropriate.
  • Students must carry their Adrenaline Autoinjector on them (if age-appropriate) to off-site and after-school activities eg. Sports, excursions, camps, etc.
  • It is recommended that students with severe food allergies wear a medical alert bracelet/necklet.
  • Educate and empower your child to manage his/her allergy and ask for help immediately if feeling unwell.
  • For more information on allergies, go to: and

Resource: Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia


Jenny Hill

College Nurse