From the Principal

On Monday of this week, Secondary School students and staff enthusiastically participated in their House Swimming Carnival, and I extend my thanks to all involved.  The carnival was an excellent example of House spirit culminating in Ward House winning the Sr Mary Murray Shield, and Loreto House, the Spirit Award. During the same day, I had the pleasure of celebrating the commencement of Pre-Kindy with our Pre-Kindy students who were gifted their ‘Early Companions Teddy’. I was met with very wide eyes as I explained I had to leave to return to the pool to see the ‘big kids’ swim at their swimming carnival.


For the benefit of new members of our College community, the College’s Strategic Plan to 2027 was officially launched during Presentation Night at the end of last year and can be found on our website.  If you haven’t already done so, I would encourage you to read through this important document.


I extend my thanks to all parents able to attend our various parent information nights during the week and to the staff who devoted so much time and energy into ensuring the various nights were supportive, informative and ran so smoothly. For those who were unable to attend, please find below our College strategic intent for 2024, which was unpacked as part of each parent information night. Just as producing the Strategic Plan was a team effort, so too we will rely on every member of our community to achieve our ambitions. We look forward to working together to realise these priorities and celebrate their implementation as the year progresses.



To be a leading Catholic, Independent, Co-educational College where academic and personal excellence, along with the commitment to serve others and seek justice, are the aspirations of every student. 


Strategic Goals to 2027 

As detailed in our Strategic Plan, the College’s strategic goals to 2027 are: 

  • Enriching our Catholic Community of Faith 
  • Inspiring Educational Excellence 
  • Cura Personalis (Care for the Whole Person) 
  • Nurturing an Inclusive Community 
  • Sustainability 

3-Year K-12 Learning Goal 

To respond to the needs of students through effective student identification, tracking of student data and differentiated learning strategies to ensure learning growth. 


Enriching our Catholic Community of Faith 

In 2024 we will: 

  • Establish a weekly Roncalli Service program for Year 9 students at Montgomery House. 
  • Document the K-12 holistic, contemporary faith-based education framework. 
  • Develop an Ignatian Spirituality Professional Learning Plan.  

Inspiring Educational Excellence 

In 2024 we will: 

  • Commence the development of a data informed model to profile and track individual student learning growth. 
  • Explore partnerships with universities locally and nationally. 
  • Commence the re-development of a College Vision for Learning.  
  • Investigate the extension of College Library hours including homework support for secondary students. 
  • Extend Science in Upper Primary through access to Secondary Laboratories and targeted Science training of Primary School staff. 
  • Review the Primary School Design and Technology program to restructure into an integrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program. 
  • Implement the College Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) program. 
  • Implement the Teacher Professional Growth Model. 
  • Implement the Middle Leaders growth coaching from Growth Coaching International. 
  • Conduct a review and analysis of the use of student learning data K-12. 

Cura Personalis (Care for the whole person) 

In 2024 we will: 

  • Strengthen the staff induction program. 
  • Implement the initial training in the Yale University RULER Program to support the new College Wellbeing Framework. 
  • Investigate the implementation of ‘School TV’ to support parents when enacting the Wellbeing Framework. 
  • Further develop the College ‘Inspire’ program to complement the College Wellbeing Framework. 
  • Launch the College Wellbeing Framework. 
  • Finalise the review of the Positive Peer Relations and Behaviour for Learning Frameworks.

Nurturing an Inclusive Community 

In 2024 we will: 

  • Publish the first draft of the College Reconciliation Action Plan. 
  • Develop a Secondary School sport communication strategy. 
  • Implement the College Marketing Plan. 
  • Launch the new College website. 
  • Commence planning the College’s 50-year anniversary celebrations in 2027. 


In 2024 we will: 

  • Commence planning for an additional Pre-Kindy Classroom  
    for 2026. 
  • Commit to a new Student Information System to replace Maze. 
  • Install more solar panels across the College and explore other environmental sustainability initiatives. 

One of the initiatives outlined above is to publish the first draft of the College’s Reconciliation Action Plan. As it happens, February 13 marks the anniversary of former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s tabled motion in Parliament apologising to Australia’s First Nation people, particularly the Stolen Generations and their families, for the laws and policies that inflicted such profound grief and loss.


As I have written before, it was at that same time in 2008, in a small Library room at a previous boarding school that I was privileged to hear this apology and witness the impact this acknowledgment had on a small group of First Nation students and support staff. Crammed into the small space listening intently to Kevin Rudd’s words prompted a significant outpouring of emotion. The impact of the word ‘sorry’ can be profound.


Excerpt from a prayer written by Elder Aunty Dr Doseena Fergie 


God of Truth 


Enable all the peoples of this Country to desire, listen and understand the True History of this Land. For only then can we walk this journey together.

Jesus, you are the tree of life. 


Help us to be your instruments of Truth, by the Power of your Holy Spirit. 

We pray for discernment and wisdom to impart your Truth.


Deliver us from devastation and bring about Healing to Country and our communities.


Daniel Mahon
