Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


On Wednesday, Catholics right around the world stopped and took stock, as we marked the beginning of the Season of Lent, celebrating Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday reminds us all that Lent is a special time, where we examine our inward relationship with Jesus and attempt to walk more closely with him. Each year, Lent provides us with an opportunity to leave the past behind, to start anew, to wipe the slate clean. We look at ways where we can be more 'hospitable' to others, through almsgiving, prayer and fasting. This beautiful and transformational season allows us all to not only think of others, but asks us to prioritise what is really important in our lives.  We can also mark down that on Wednesday it was the first time that our school community attended a Mass celebrated by our new Priest, Father Trevor, joining parishioners at the usual weekday parish mass. As a school and community we’re thrilled that our Parish has been blessed with a new Priest after some months of uncertainty surrounding a replacement, late last year. 


On Ash Wednesday, Father Trevor welcomed us all to the 2024 school year and was extremely engaging as he spoke with our school children, staff, parents and community members about his understanding of the Season of Lent. During his Homily, Father Trevor shared a little bit of information about himself (including the use of props), explaining where he comes from, some of his interests and what he is looking forward to, whilst he is with us at Sacred Heart Parish Kew. Father Trevor spoke about his coffee habit, his love of adventure and travel, his fondness for books and literature, and his hobbies, playing the guitar and skateboarding. As he presented each item and discussed its meaning in his life, Father Trevor tried to hold all these things, piling each item on top of himself as best he could, as his growing collection progressively weighed him down, making it difficult for him to focus and maintain his attention. As well as Father Trevor’s articulate ‘Show and Tell’, he was also sharing a very important message to all who had gathered. His simple message was that these interests and items that he loves, the items that he enjoys the most, often outweigh and distract him from his relationship with God and his ability to concentrate, pray and give 100 percent of himself, the way that he should.    


In a very meaningful way, Father Trevor challenged us all to think of some of the things that we really enjoy, that are of interest to us and to consider, maybe doing some of these things a little less during the Season of Lent, so we can also redirect our attention, sharpen our focus in our relationship with God. 


Just as Father Trevor challenged us, the Season of Lent will also provide a few challenges for us, as we try and make some changes in our lives, for the better. Yes, in 2024, Lent will challenge us all. May we all be open to this challenge when it comes calling. Whenever and wherever that may be. Good luck with any challenges that might come your way, I hope you all feel ready and a little lighter as you follow Father Trevor’s example. 


Wishing all school community members a lovely weekend.


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes


School Principal